A Change In Fate - Suyin

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"You claim she's practically family, but you never make her feel like she is! Commit or else it'll bite you in the bum later!" I shout in frustration.

My wife sighs, slumping against the bed's headrest. We've been fighting about this lately. I want Kuvira as our daughter, she has so much potential, and she deserves some love in her troubled life. The boys love her, and Opal's finally warming up to the thought of having a big sister.

Kuvira needs stability in her life. I want us to be the people to give it to her, change her life for the better, and love her unconditionally.

"I know, I know, but she's uncontrollable. One little accident and she becomes a monster," she speaks in a tone I've grown to despise.

I hate when she gets like this, she only takes the time out to help people she's friends with. Su's all about giving people second chances but fails to do so when it's not in her favor. Hopefully, officially taking Kuvira as our own will switch things up and fix her ways.

"Isn't your whole thing helping people become better? Why can't you do that with Kuvira? She's more than deserving, Su. She looks up to you. Why would a monster want to be an amazing person like you? She's just a child who feels powerless and confused about things no one at her age should even be thinking about. She just needs some extra care and some tender love. We could do it, the both of us Su. I know you love her, so don't ruin this by never closing the gap. She's been staying with us for a year now. Let's just make it official, let's make her a Beifong." I attempt to persuade my wife for the final time.

She rolls over to her side to face me, offering her full attention. Her hand extends towards me, gently caressing the side of my face. Lost in her thoughts, she mumbles to herself.

My stomach churns. What if Su still disagrees?

Suyin moves in closer to me, tangling our legs together and wrapping an arm around my waist with a hand still at my face.

"Do you really want this? I really want to help, I swear, but I don't know-how. It's like dealing with Lin all over again, and I've never known how to handle her. What if we fail and she ends up worse than when she came? I love her like she's my own, but if we adopt her and we fail-that means we officially failed one of our children. I couldn't live with myself if we mess up.", she admits with a nervous shake in her voice.

This is my Suyin, the one I fell for. Sometimes you have to pry to get her out, but it's worth it in the end. She's no longer Suyin: Leader of Zaofu, but instead my loving wife.

"That's impossible. We love Kuvira way too much to let that happen, and with the support of our children, who already see her as their sister, there's no way she can get worse. You have to think positively and actually try. I know you miss your sister, so think of helping Kuvira as also getting to know your sister better." I reassure her, pressing my lips to her forehead.

She hums, closing her eyes for a second, "Okay, let's do it. Tomorrow we'll get the papers and everything else ready."

Su leans in, kisses me affectionately. She repositions herself to sit on top of my abdomen. My hands' trials up from the side of her bare thighs and up to her waist. My thumb rubs over the soft skin tenderly.

She leans over me, pressing our lips together again before pulling back with a large grin, "I love you."


Tiny feet pad against the hard floor, leading up to my office. Suyin and I switch off on duties based on the day. We guide over Zaofu equally behind the scenes, but since I'm a bit shyer than she is, Su's more known to the public.

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