*Weirdo - Eska

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"Who's that?" you ask, pointing to the two alluring figures walking down from the docks.

Your best friend, Avatar Korra, chuckles at your disgusted expression, "That would be my cousins, Eska and Desna. They're weird, but they're kinda like royalty in a way. Their dad, my uncle, is the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe."

Dramatically dropping your jaw, you whip around to face your friend. She laughs more as you clutch onto her arm.

"You mean to tell me that you're practically a princess, and you never thought to tell me!" You exclaim.

Korra convinced you and your brigade of friends to visit the Southern Water Tribe for the Glacier Spirit Festival. Interested to learn about your friend's culture, you immediately agreed. Plus, Asami was going in the hopes of saving her company. As her new assistant, you helped her get an interview with Varrick. She probably could have done it herself, but you wanted to ease some of her stress. Spirits know the girl needs the rest.

Korra blinks mindlessly before taking your hand in hers and tugging it away, "No."

You squint your eyes in confusion, "But you're blood relatives..."

The older teen ignores your curious gaze, continuing her stroll to the dock with her parents. You glare at her walking figure, crossing your arms over your chest as she begins to leave you behind.

Bolin, who's been uncharacteristically quiet beside you, finally finds the courage to say, "I think she's pretty."

You snap your neck towards the boy, damn near giving yourself whiplash as you face him. His eyes soften with his hands pressed to his chest. Shawty's in love, in love with that? Your eyebrows raise at his confession, urgently following his gaze and looking back at him. Ain't no way. Homies head over heels for a girl who looks like she practices devil worship. Does he even know which one of Korra's cousins is a girl?

Your palm flies to your face before warning the boy, "Stay away from them. They seem batshit crazy, and I didn't even need Korra to help me figure that out." If you don't tell him, no one will, and you don't need to hear him whining to you when he finally realizes the girl is psycho.

His lower lip tucks out as he reprimands, "It's not cool to judge someone based on their looks."

While he's right, those two make your skin crawl. Something about those two doesn't sit right with you at all.
As you struggle to find a firm rebuttal, Korra calls out to both of you.

"Bo, usually you'd be right, but not when it comes to my cousins. They're weird...." She explains, "Now, come on. I wanna show you guys something."

She whips back around, following after her parents with a disgusted shiver.

Later that night, Korra led you and the boys to the festival. You wanted Asami to join you, but she was busy with her business stuff, so you let her be.

Korra and Mako storm off after some silly argument, as they usually do. The group of you were only there for a few minutes before they destroyed the peace, leaving you with a still excited Bolin.

You're always left on babysitting duty.

When you turn to him, his attention's focused on something. Following his gaze, you find him staring at Eska once again. Your face scrunches up in disgust as you take Bolin's arm in your hand.

"Don't even think about it, Bo. She seems like the type to give you a betrothal necklace after one date," you advise.

Bolin pouts and hunches his forward so that he's sulking, "But you don't know that...you're just being mean and judging her."

You glare up at him. He's gonna learn one way or another. Going through it firsthand seems to be the only way he'll understand.

"Fine, go talk to her," you give in, pushing him toward the twins in a fed-up manner.

The earth bender grips at your hands and drags you along with him, "Nope. You're coming with me. Then you will see it's not nice to judge people by their looks. We might even get you a boyfriend."

You growl in protest but allow him to tug you toward him, "Let's just get this over with."

You zone out as he starts to talk to the two nervously. You can tell just by their tone of voice that they're psychotic. They sound dead inside. No sense of spirit at all.

"Who is your friend?" The Princess asks Bolin dryly.

The ditzy boy grins at her and extends a hand to you, "That's my best friend, Y/n!"

You begrudgingly meet her gaze.


Even their freaking eyes are creepy! They look alien, otherworldly, and not in a good way! There's something weirdly hypnotic about them too.

Eska takes you by your wrist and tugs you toward her, "I like you. I think you will make a wonderful pet."

"What?" you whisper as she clutches onto the collar of your shirt. She lifts you off the ground so that you're face to face.

"Yes, come along, now, feeble one. Your friend can tag along," She instructs as she lowers you back down and takes hold of your hand.

You glare at Bolin, who's too busy sulking in his defeat. The nerve of this kid. You love him. But fuck, this is supposed to be his lesson.

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