I do - Lin

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This is another request, I hope you all enjoy it and this goes along with what they wanted.

An overwhelming swirl of emotions settles deep within your chest. You counted down the days to this exact moment where you're staring down the aisle anxiously. On either side, there are rows upon rows of family and friends waiting to witness this special ceremony.

The venue is large and decorated lavishly with the help of all your closest friends. You both decided to go all out for today. Nothing was stopping you since money isn't a problem. Asami was more than happy to help ease some investments by making them herself.

The two of you skipped out on the experience of choosing bridesmaids and groomsmen. There are too many people in your lives you deem worthy.

The familiar chimes of "Here Comes The Bride" ring through your ears warningly. Your chest constricts as your heart pounds anxiously against your ribs.

The audience's heads turn to face the end of the aisle, patiently waiting to witness the bride's entry.

As if on cue, the slightly younger woman confidently strides up the space between the rows. Toph guides Lin through with their arms wrapped together. It took a lot of convincing to get her mother out here, but it was certainly worth it.

Your heart drops for a second, finding yourself dumbfounded by your partner's beauty. The dress extenuates all the amazing curves and divots her body carries.

After a few seconds of nearing death, your heart sputters back to life. An uncontrollable grin stretches across your lips, this is all you've been waiting for.

The second the duo reaches you, Bolin gracefully finishes the piano verse. He leans over the piano with a gleeful smile tugging at his lips.

The blind earth bender lets go of her daughter's arm before walking over to an empty chair in the front row. A nervous smile spreads across Lin's lips while glancing up at you in a search for approval.

Still holding your grin, you whisper to her as she takes her place, "You look gorgeous, almost knocked the wind out of me."

A red hue spreads across her cheeks, enamored by your honest compliment. It took a lot of pushing and probing to get where you are now.

Lin hated you when you guys first met. After proving your worth and giving her the stability she deserves, you dug a secure place deep within her heart.

The officiant speaks before Lin has the chance to respond. Kya offered to fill the sacred role. At first, you were both a little weary of the idea since you promised Bolin he could be the officiant. Though it all worked out, Bolin got a little too excited when you taught him how to play the keyboard a few months before the wedding, so he asked to play the music instead.

"Dear friends and family, we are all gathered here today to witness and celebrate this grand moment between Lin Beifong and Y/n!", the older woman projects her voice for the audience to hear.

Beaming at each other, you and Lin hold hands tightly. She looks so beautiful; you can't believe you're about to spend the rest of your life with her. The two of you gaze at one another affectionately, more focused on each other than the words beings said in front of you.

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