*Wingman- Kya/Lin

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I did it, I'm the worlds best wing woman! After fighting with the chief of police for months, I finally got her to tell my mom she likes her. It's a bit confusing, why would I want the Chief of Police to date my mom?

I care about my mom's happiness and if Lin freaking Beifong makes her happy then so fucking be it. Plus, they're soooo cute together.

Lin's blushing like a bad man during her confession and Mom's eating it all that shit up. It's kinda sad that I'm her wingman but hey, but I couldn't just sit back and watch her struggle. She was trying so hard and was failing miserably, it's the least I could. Plus, the second hand embarrassment of this woman's failed attempt at flirting were getting old.

I suppress a giggle as I peak past my bedroom door and just like that...I get caught. Should have known I was gonna get caught, mom always finds out about everything.

" You're not sneaky you know, I can see your head peaking out your door. ", she calls out to me with an amused chuckle.

I roll my eyes good naturally before walking out to the living room. I grin at the Lin," You didn't really stick to the plan, but it worked out well! I really like the part where-"

She huffs and crosses her arms with a blush, "Okay, I get it. "

I squeal at her blush, instinctively reaching out to squeeze her cheeks," You're sooo cute when you blush! "

The earth bender ducks her a bit in an embarrassed sulk. Mom raises an eyebrow at me, though the corner of her mouth curls up to one side.

" You're not tryna steal my date are you? ", She teases playfully.

I gag while pretending to put a finger down my throat," Maybe you find this lug attractive, but all I see is a cranky old lady. "

Lin growls lightly at my playful words," Better watch your mouth kid. "

I roll my eyes again before hugging onto her arm and resting against her shoulder," Oh please, you love me! I keep real and I'm hilarious. "

The metal bender doesn't have the heart to push me away, so she settles for a grumble under her breath and an eye roll. Even after going through the trouble of acting like she's annoyed, she pulls me closer to her side," Fine you got me, you little shit. "

Mom grins at the two of us and I know for fact she loves that I'm already so close with the Chief. It makes things a whole lot easier, no unnecessary drama.

I can't wait to give my speech at their wedding, they would have never have gotten together if it weren't for me. I'm definitely gonna use that time to expose Lin for being such a wuss. I kid you not this woman was having a nervous breakdown before coming over. I had to sneak out and help her come up with a whole speech. One that she obviously didn't need.

My water bending mother pulls us into her arms with a content hum. It's gonna be weird having someone I considered by bro to low key be my new mom. Hopefully she won't get all cocky on me, but knowing her she's definitely gonna start acting different.

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