*Wifey - Zhu Li

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Your wife, President Zhu Li Moon, is the most dedicated worker you know. You can tell that she genuinely cares about the people in her city. After Kuvira's invasion, Zhu Li was the first to step in and take charge of helping citizens who lost their homes to the attack. It's one of the attributes you adore about her. However, lately, officially leading the entirety of the city bears too much stress for Ms. Moon. So, you and Bolin came up with a way to force into relaxation. After all, he takes care of all her schedule. 

"Come on, darling. You're stressing yourself out. I just want you to relax for a moment," you plead with her, standing behind her office chair with your arms resting over her shoulders and your chin resting on top of her head. To further entice the older woman, you bend over, pressing gentle kisses down the side of her face.

Seemingly unaffected, she pushes up her glasses with her pointer finger and continues to read through paperwork. Her action fails to deter you. Instead of feeding into her act, you pull away from her. You watch her jerk slightly at the abrupt loss of contact. Good, now she knows you're upset. With a deep sigh, you walk beside her, slowly take her glasses off her face, and place them on the desk. She glances up with an annoyed expression, but you quickly diffuse it by tucking your hand under her chin and guiding her face closer to yours.

"It'll only be a few hours, beautiful. I'll read through all of this for you," you suggest softly.

"That's against the rules," she starts, but you cut her off.

"I'm your wife. Let me take care of you. Let me take the stress away. Please, for me?" you plead, teasingly leaning in to kiss her lips.

The president closes the gap and pulls you to sit in her lap. With a content hum, you wrap your arms over her shoulders. Her hands slide to your waist, massaging over the curve as she deepens the kiss.

After a few seconds, she pulls back with a faint murmur against your lips, "If I'm taking a day off, so are you."

She lifts you up while standing from her chair, holding the bottom of your thighs as she carries you out of the office and to your bedroom. Zhu Li is the strongest person you know, physically and mentally. Korra may have fought all the bad guys, but Zhu Li was lowkey holding it down on the sidelines.

"I love when you show off," you compliment with a love-sick expression. After years of carrying a man most likely two times her weight your weight, there's no way she's not secretly shredded.

She grins, her cheeks a dusky pink, "I guess I'll just have to keep showing off."

The shorter woman carefully throws you onto the bed before climbing over you, adoringly pressing delicate kisses against the side of your face and down to your neck. With a content sigh, you lift your right hand up to your wife's hair, tangling your fingers through her dark locks.

"I love you," you whine lovably.

Her kisses become more fierce, softly nibbling at calculated areas of skin, knowing exactly how to drive you crazy. She lifts her head up from your neck to respond, her eyes meeting yours with the most adoring expression.

A loud bang clatters through the room. Instantaneously, the two of you whip your heads to the sound. To your absolute horror, you find the Avatar and her girlfriend standing at the doorway, wide-eyed and lips parted in a gasp.

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