jealousy, jealousy - Lin

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This is another request.  I apologize for taking a while to update this, though I hope you all enjoy it.

Lin leans over your restful body, tracing over your features. Today's a special day for you, and Lin's determined to make this the best day of your life. She's been planning this day for months, beginning the day off with a homemade breakfast.

Luckily the metal bender is an excellent cook, so this part is easy. She made breakfast an hour in advance, waking up early to finish by the time you wake up.

Your eyes flutter open, happy to be met with Lin's beautiful visage. You lean toward her, basking under her affection.

"Happy Birthday." The earth bender coos.

Your lips pull at either end, forming a gentle smile. It's not every day you wake up together as Lin is often working.

"Shouldn't you be at the precinct?" You question softly.

The metal bender's lips tug into a frown at the mention of her job, "Yeah, but I wanna spend the day with you."

Lin carefully slips off the bed, giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead before turning to their nightstand. She lifts the tray of food and walks over to the other side of the bed. You sit up in the bed expectantly, wanting to accommodate your girlfriend, who's gone out of her way to make an exceptional breakfast.

The older woman places the tray over your lap, reaching over to hand you a cup of coffee and some utensils.

"I made you breakfast to start your special day."

You grin appreciatively, "Thanks, babe! You know how much of love your omelets!"

Lin mimics your smile, repositioning to sit beside you again.

"What about you? You're not gonna eat?" Y/n questions, carefully.

"No, I ate a long time ago. I'm good."

"If you say so..."

The two of you talk to each other quietly as you finish up her pancakes.  You're down to your last bit when an abrupt knock startles the both of you.

Lin's eyebrows furrow together, "Who the hell is knocking on our door at 10:00 in the morning?"

You shrug, leaning over to check the time. "It's actually about 11 now."

The chief slowly abandons her comfy position, treading out their shared room and to their front door. She opens the door carefully, coming face to face with the avatar. The younger woman grins at Lin, "Today's Y/n's birthday, right?"

The metal bender takes in a deep sigh. This girl always finds a way to weasel her way into your alone time. Lin drags a hand over face, "Yes, but-"

"Good. I have something planned out for Y/n."

You and Korra formed a strong friendship these past couple of years.  You happened to meet the young avatar on her first day in republic city, showing her the way around the vast city. Yes, you bear a good 10-15 years over your bestie, but neither of you sees the age gap as odd. Your friendship takes form in more of an older sister and little sister dynamic than anything else. Lin loves the avatar dearly, but Korra always manages to barge in on the worst times.

"That's great, but I have the whole day already planned out with renovations and scheduled appointments." The older woman explains, trying to keep her tone level.

The southerner rolls her eyes, letting herself into the rather large apartment. She clasps her hands together, puckering her lower lip out in a pleading manner, "Pleeasseee. I want to make this day great for her. She's helped me so much..."

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