Tell Me You Love Me - Toph

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Trigger Warning: Near-Death Experiences, Mentioned Bomb Attack, and Abrupt Ending.

The warm, thick blanket of sleep wraps around my body like a precisely made cacoon for me and my body alone. It encompasses every inch of my soul, tugging me deep into the serene realms of sleep. With each slow breath, my body and mind succumb further into a bubble of weightless peace until my body sinks as far as I can go.

"Wake up, damn it! Come on. Come on," The stern dark voice of someone familiar rattles through my brain like a fire alarm, bouncing off each wall of my head as the sound echoes. Despite its intensity, the call sounds muffled as if at a faint distance.

Cold muscular palms press against my chest. They push it down in rhythmic motions similar to the bass or the beat of a pop song. Bump. Bump. Bump. It repeats in sets of three over and over and over again.

"Wake the fuck up!" The voice cries, muttering to themselves as they force down upon my chest.

Can't I have a few more moments to rest? I've never felt this relaxed in my life. My mind, body, soul, breathing, and pulse are all in sync, mixed in perfect harmony.

"What am I gonna tell the girls? Why would you do this to me?" The raspy voice sniffles, softening their rhythmic pumping. Their hands slide up from my chest until each hand is upon my shoulders. Thick fingers curl around the fabric of my shirt, clutching the cotton-made item in tight fists.

"I'm sorry! Please, you can't go. I love you...," Their vocal cords scratch together, creating a deep, primal cry. The type of screech that pierces your eardrums with a sharp sting, one that comes directly from the chest. A sound only made possible by the whirlwinds of heartbreak.

Suyin must be listening to one of her dramas on the radio again. They're always so dramatic.

"I love you, damn it! I'm sorry I never said it before! Just get up already! I can still hear you! So, stop playing around. Get up, so I can take us home, and we can finally play that stupid guessing game you and the girls keep bugging me to play! If you leave me, I'll never forgive you! You hear?" The voice shouts angrily, clutching my shirt tighter and pulling me up off the ground with a violent shake.

It's way too early for yelling. Why does Su have the volume up so loud?

Something warm presses against my chest, much larger than two hands, a face, maybe. Cold droplets pool against my chest, so frigid it feels like something pierced into my skin. Gentle whimpers and delicate cries whisk through the air, pouring into my ears with loss of conviction.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," the phrase is mumbled against my body in a pained mantra. The pleading is so heart-wrenching and stomach-churning I almost feel tempted to leave my blissful paradise.

The sob goes on for longer, becoming louder with each passing second.

Hey. Wait a minute. The person who's crying sounds familiar. Too familiar.

I press against the walls of my comforting warm cacoon, forcing my body from its desperate need for sleep. A tremendous pressure builds against my ears, popping them with a whistled ring and clearing out with a beep a few seconds later.

"Aurora?" A familiar face leans over me: strong jawline, dark eyebrows, and an adorable button nose. Toph. Tears trickle down her cheeks, dripping off the sides of her sharp jaw and rolling over her chin. The tiny drops tap against the dark gray metal of her armor and slide down her chest plate. Her jet black hair that she usually keeps slicked back perfectly into a bun no longer holds the same perfection. Now, scattered strands and unruly flyaways litter her thick hair.

"Y-yes," I rasp, wincing as all my senses flood back into my system.

Damn. Everything hurts. It feels like my insides are piercing into one another and swapping around.

"Don't move. An ambulance is on the way. I heard you stop breathing, and-," Toph, my long-term girlfriend, cuts off, replaced by a high-pitched whistle burying into my ear canal.

"What...what happened?" I croak, clutching my side as if holding the blistering pain would ease my discomfort.

"I tried to stop it, but I was too late. I'm sorry. You were right about how I treat my job versus you and the girls. Spirits, I didn't even know you were in the area when they bombed," Toph explains vaguely, her tone stern and regretful as she wipes her eyes.

Who bombed? Are we at war?

"I'm just glad you're okay," Toph adds, a subtle smile ghosting her lips. She leans over to kiss my forehead. She misses a bit, kissing the space between my eyebrows instead. Though, still meaningful nonetheless.

"Now, what hurts?" She asks, unable to see me rolling in pain, only hearing my groans and irregular pants of air.

"Spirits, everything. Everything hurts," I cough, wincing as the pressure in my stomach causes more aches.

"Sh," Toph comforts, effortlessly taking my hand in hers.

Just as she reaches out to soothe me, the blood-curdling screeches of the fire truck zoom down the street.

"Help's just around the corner. You're going to be just fine, Rory," Toph reassures, squeezing my hand a little too tight for my liking. Though, the grip distracts from the pain crawling over the rest of my body for a few seconds.

"What happened to the...the girls," I gasp through my words. Something digs into my side, piercing through tendons like a hot knife.

"They're home, I hope." She chews her lower lip, bowing her head shamefully.

I press my head against the concrete beneath me, clenching my teeth together as the pain develops in the left side of my torso. My eyes roll shut to control my cry through the blistering and icy tingles throughout my body.

All I wanted to do was go freaking shopping and get the girls a new toy or two.

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