A kiss - Ty Lee

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I'm gonna write part two to No me Digas because some of you have asked for one. However, I need to figure out a good way to end the story without making it too long. Just know that I'm definitely going to write it. Until then, I hope you enjoy this short Ty Lee story.

Cuddled up beneath a pile of blankets, Ty Lee shivers uncontrollably on our bed. After spending a day in and out of a frigid pool, the acrobat caught herself a cold. I told her to be careful, but she didn't listen.

I press a warm hand to her head, smoothing her flyaways, "I'm gonna head out now, babe. Azula wants to run some new laws over with me."

She grumbles softly in her weak state, turning over to her side. I continue to run my hand over her head. The thought of leaving her unwatched for a few minutes leaves me a tad concerned. Ty Lee can become a bit crazy when she's sick. One time I found her sitting in front of our bedroom wall, immersed in a seemingly deep conversation with the red-painted walls. I left her for only a few seconds, I swear.

To this day, she believes she was talking to me.

I don't want her to end up accidentally harming herself. Usually, I'd ask a maid to watch over the acrobat, but we're a bit short on staff as of recently. A flu-like sickness has spread around the palace, infecting the people who reside behind our walls.

"Okay, Ty. I'm leaving now." I inform the restful girl.

Ty Lee turns onto her back again, her eyes flutter opening as she adjusts to the dim light illuminating our bedroom. She groans, leaning her head into my hand.

"Tired." She mumbles, huffing as she wipes at her face aggressively with the back of her hand.

Her bangs stick to her forehead, glued to her skin by her thick coating of sweat.

"Shh, relax. I'm gonna step out. Okay, beautiful? Just lay here and rest until I come back." I coo, running my hand over her hair.

Ty Lee groans, mumbling something to herself, before turning to face me. Her lower lip tucks out as she peers up at me with grey doe eyes.

My heart clenches at the tender sight. Not only is Ty giving me the most adorable pouty face I've ever seen, but her lower lip trembled slightly, on the verge of tearing up.

"Shh," I coo again while continuing to run my hand over her head.

"Kiss?" She questions before puckering her lips with a tiny sniffle.

Awww maaaan! How can I tell her no? I don't wanna get sick, but she looks so damn cute... Ty Lee peeks an eye open when she realizes I'm not leaning in to kiss her. Her lower lip tucks out slightly, her pout deepening.

"I can't, babe. You're sick, remember?" I try to explain while comforting her with my touch.

"But I want a kiss..." She mumbles, trying to sit up and reach for me.

I let out a deep sigh, unable to deny my girlfriend. If I get sick, I get sick.

I lean over, pressing my lips against her softly. She hums against my mouth before I pull away. The acrobat settles back against our bed, falling into a well-needed rest. Lifting from her side, I tip-toe out of the room, closing the door behind me as quietly as possible. This girl has been fighting sleep for the past hour.

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