Random Fluff- Korra

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My body trembles against my girlfriend's protective hold as she rubs my arms with her hands, attempting to create some type of warmth. Her lips press against the side of my face, soothing me effectively.

"Just give it a few seconds." She mumbles while lifting me closer to her chest in my position on top of her.

Korra thought it would be a good idea to trap me in the middle of a snowball fight between her and her friends. Now, I'm freezing.

I clutch onto her sleeveless shirt, desperate for warmth. Her lips curl into a deep frown, "I'm so sorry, babe. If I knew you'd be this cold after, I wouldn't have gotten you caught in the middle. I always forget how cold it is down here."

My teeth chatter together, stopping me from making a quick remark. Korra wraps her arms around me fully, engulfing me in her warmth. I sigh softly, adoring the feeling of her body heat through our clothing. How is she so warm?

"Jeez, babe..." She mumbles as I bury my face in her neck, placing a gentle kiss at an exposed vein.

Her arms tense around my body, listening to me whine happily now that I feel less cold.

"Can you please not do that?" She asks in a mumbled tone, embarrassed by her dirty mind.

My lips press together in a gentle hum, tugging the blanket tighter around my body. Korra sighs, repositioning her arms so that her hands on my lower back, resting them over the subtle hump at my bottom.

"Watch yourself," I whisper against her neck.

Her fingers tips tap at my back in a gentle tempt. I let it slide, dozing off under my newfound warmth. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, Korra's hands dig into my bum, squeezing it firmly.


Her lips curl into an amused grin, still gripping at my backside.

"I love your cute little gasps."

I inwardly vomit at her words as she can be outright gross sometimes. Lifting myself up from her chest so that I'm sitting on her stomach, I threaten.

"Look, I know you're always horny, but you need to pull it together, or I'll go hang out with Asami, and you know she'll have no problem scooping me up and taking me in for the night."

Her grin falters, visibly upset at the idea of not laying beside me tonight. She loves cuddling in her sleep. Taking that away is like taking away her bending.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'll stop." She simmers down, lifting her hands back to my mid-back as I settle on top of her again.

Before I can get too comfy, the older woman questions in a soft voice, "Kiss?"

I lift my head to find her lips already puckered. My mouth drops in an amused chuckle, leaning over to press my mouth against hers gently.

She grins when we pull away from the quick peck, tightening her grip on my body, squeezing me affectionately.

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