Tough* - Toph

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Toph has been acting weird lately. She won't let me hug her like usual, and she keeps trying to impress me by fighting with Aang or showing off her bending abilities. I usually find her more competitive side attractive, but it's becoming too much.

I lay beside her in our stone tent before cuddling up in my sleeping bag, sighing as I turn to face her. She has her eyes closed, but I know she isn't actually asleep yet. In a gentle motion, I raise my hand to caress the side of her face. She flutters her eyes open. I know she can't see anything, but I can still enjoy looking up into her milky eyes. I lean up to press my lips against hers, earning a content hum as she melts into the kiss. She pulls back and rests her forehead against mine.

"What's wrong?" I ask hesitantly.

She snakes a hand around my covered waist, "There's nothing wrong."

I sigh at her words, moving closer to her in a attempt to feel more of her warmth.

"I know you're lying. Just tell me what's wrong." I try to reason.

She quiets at my statement, a frown settles upon my lips. In defeat, I lower my hand from her face and turn away from her. There's a loud ruffle of her repositioning herself over the covers. There's still a bit of space between us, but I can feel her gentle breathing against my neck and the heat of her body beside me. The earth bender closes the gap by wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into her front. I relax against her, wishing my bag wasn't in the way. I'm guessing she feels the same because she unzips the side of my bag and tugs it from under me, so it lays over us like a blanket.

I turn back around to face her again, taking in her solemn expression. Her lips gap as if to say something, but she closes them again like she's struggling to form her words.

"I'm sorry, it's just that when we last fought Azula, she told me I could never be strong enough for you. That you deserved someone more worthy, like herself. It just really got to me because I wanna always be able to protect you."

Azula, known for openly making moves at me, even though it's very clear the blind one and I are together. It's very unlike Toph to let little things like words affect her, but I know she has a sensitive side, and sometimes words hurt.

I kiss her jawline affectionately, hoping to give her something to ease her mind, "So you thought you needed to act tougher around me. Baby, you're forgetting that you're a total softy. Toph rhymes with soft better than it does tough, plus I can protect myself, and you know that."

She sighs through her nose before pulling me closer to her, kissing my cheek adoringly.

"I know you can. It's just that if anything were to happen to you and I wasn't there- I just wouldn't know what to do." The blind bandit explains in weak words.

I wrap my arms around her muscular frame, intertwining our legs.

"I know what you mean, but you don't need to act like a whole new person. You are perfect as you are. Plus, how many times have you actually needed to save me?" I laugh slightly towards the end.

She chuckles along with me, "Okay, so you're kinda right."

I refrain from rolling my eyes and instead lean in to kiss her.

I hum lowly as she pulls away with one last peck,  peppering my cheek with several adoring kisses. I grin under her affection, bathing in the precious moment.

"I love you so much," she mumbles to me.

I kiss the pale raven upon the lips a final time as she traces my back.

"I love you too."


Forced on my knees at the edge of the airship, desperately holding on to my girlfriend's hand is not where I thought I'd be today. 

"Don't let go!" I plead with her, tears puddling at the corner of my eyes.

She shouts back in a panicked voice, "I'm trying!"

My poor baby, she's probably so scared, dangling in the air where she can't see anything, but I'm not gonna let her fall. I close my eyes before mustering up the strength to start pulling her up. I slowly begin to lift her up with my right arm, working myself up from my knees carefully.

"Okay, baby, I need you to lift your other hand up. I'm gonna grab your other hand."

I take her lifted hand in my own, and with one last bit of strength, I lean back. The force of me falling and my body weight combined is enough to carry the blind bandit up from the ledge and to safety. She flies forward, landing on top of me so that I'm on my back. Not wanting to waste a second, I wrap my arms around her and cradle her head to my chest.

"I was so scared,"  I admit to her.

She manages to chuckle, though I can feel her rapid heartbeat against my stomach.

"Imagine how terrified I was then."

I kiss the top of her head repeatedly, "Come on, we've gotta get up. We're surrounded."

The two of us take on fighting stances.

Not long after Toph's near-death experience, Suki and Sokka come to retrieve us on a stolen ship. I pick Toph up bridal style before jumping over and onto the top of the aircraft below us. My beautiful girlfriend squeals loudly at the sudden drop and squeezes my neck tightly.

I lean down to kiss her lips gently, "It's okay, I've got you now, and I'm not gonna let anything happen."

She sighs, resting her head against my shoulder in a tired motion. There's a lot more that needs to be done, but I'm sure we can squeeze in a nap for her.

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