Ride- Suki

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Warning: Beginnings of Divorce and Possible Cheating.

Deep within my sleep, an uneasy sensation takes over me. The weighted feeling in my chest drags me from my blissful dreams and hurls me up in my bed. A gentle gasp settles past my lips as I hear the entrance to my home creak open. Hushed whispers and Suki's signature giggles echo from the front door to my room. I could recognize the sound of her laughter from anywhere.

Her tone is light and girlish, rolling from her throat more than her chest.

A wet kiss bleeds through the walls, and the door clicks shut with another set of laughter. Hardwood floor whines under sneaking feet as they travel down the hall towards the master suite. Her soft steps become more apparent as she progresses closer to our room.

The door to our bedroom squeaks open, and feet shuffle along the carpeted floor. After a few seconds of random noises and drawers sliding open and shut, the mattress dips beside me.

Suki slips under the thick blanket and into her side of the bed. She rests there for a second, leaving a cold gap between us before shuffling around again. Her clothes rustle against the bedspread as the dip beside me lessens and tips into my space. She continues to scooch closer, lowering the cool temperature around me until her warmth lands directly upon my back. I inch away from her body. Though, she follows me, pressing her chest and stomach against my back as she wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to her.

The tip of her nose grazes the side of my neck before nustling her face into the area. Her lips thin out as if frowning against my skin. She lets out a soft breath before shaking her head against me.

My skin tingles under her affection, mimicking the sensation of a thousand bugs crawling over the length of my body. An uncontrollable shudder spreads from my toes to my head.

My wife mistakes the response, whispering to herself in a sweet tone that sounds just a little too sweet.

"Poor, baby. Must be freezing."

Suki sighs as if catching herself acting out her emotions too dramatically. She lifts her arm from my waist and pulls the blanket over us better before snuggling closer to my backside. After a few minutes of quiet, her breathing evens out, and her affectionate hold loosens.

My ears ring under the silence of our room, listening to nothing but the sound of her soft puffs of air tickling my neck and the gentle swoosh of our air conditioning.

Did I just catch my wife cheating?

Suki cheating? Never.

She knows I could catch her easily.

I mean.

I practically just did.

Suki's too loyal and loving to ever...

My eyes settle on the wall in front of me. The room is dark. Though, the glow from the street light just outside our window creeps in from the crack in our black curtains, allowing me to catch a glimpse of our beige wall.

I pick up my end of the blanket and slide out of bed. My bare feet glide across the cold fluff of our carpet until I find my slippers. After situating myself out of bed, I turn back around to face Suki. She curled herself into my spot and dragged my pillow down to her face.  She buries her left cheek against the fabric while releasing soft snores.

The corner of my mouth twitches into a smile as I watch her smoosh her face into the pillow.

Usually, Suki calls me when she feels she might come home late. Not tonight, though. Maybe she under-compensated? Unlikely. That woman served as the Kyoshi Warriors' leader for more than 20 years. She thinks analytically. She wanted me to be asleep by the time she came home.

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