*Hurt - Azula

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I consider Princess Azula of the Fire Nation a best friend. She's dark, but we've been close for as long as I can remember. Anywhere she would go, I would follow, and vice versa.

As daughter of guards for the royal family, I spent most of my time at the palace before befriending Azula and her friends. She allowed her sweeter side to shine when Fire Lord Ozai wielded less control over her. If I felt nervous or scared, she'd hold my hand to keep me steady. She also complimented me much more than she does now.

We often spent time with her older brother, Zuko. I don't have older siblings, so he happily filled that missing role. Azula used to love it when he'd lift her by her armpits and spin her around.

The two of us would take turns until he got too tired. Azula would beg him to keep spinning us. Once, we all got so dizzy that we fell and sprawled across the soft grass in the Royal Garden. Zuko had temper issues. But, for the most part, he treated me kindly, like his cousin Lu Ten.

Laughter filled each day. In a way, I considered them family.

I miss those good days before everything turned to shit. It started with Lu Ten's death. Everything went downhill from there. His death shook everybody, it felt like.

Life now seems like something of another reality. No one sensed the shift approaching. It merely appeared from one day to the next. Azula's torn between her father and me. I don't want her to end up like him. She should act the way she naturally is: the sweet girl who holds my hand in the dark, whispers nothing but kind things to me, and dreams of ruling her Nation.

Her father's power prevents her.

"Azula. Why?" I ask, the weight of betrayal sinking in my heart. While forcing my hands behind my back, the girl I deemed my best friend pushes me down the stairs leading to the dungeon.

She merely sighs as she guides me underground. I can only watch as the firey red wallpaper morphs into the cold stone. Torches line the upper walls. They act as the only form of light in the long, winding hall of the palace.

"Do believe me when I say I'm sorry," she begins as she guides me to a random cell. A warm tear rolls down my cheek. "I would never do this to you. Ever, but I can not risk disobeying my father," she continues, her voice cold for a second. "This is the only way I can keep us both safe," she mutters as she unlocks the cell door with one hand and pushes me in with the other.

The cell is not as small as I expected. There's a tiny window on the back wall. Four evenly spaced bars guard the glass to keep prisoners from crawling out.

"Please don't do this," I cry as she releases her unrelenting hold. "You know I hate being alone."

Azula takes a deep breath, her shoulders rising as she attempts to collect herself. Her soft hand settles at my cheek, and her long nails bury into the edge of my hair. Golden eyes pool with tears, and her ruby lips curl into a sad smile.

"I know. I promise I won't leave you long, my treasure," Azula reassures, meeting my eyes to signify her truth. "Once I am Fire Lord, this will all be a horrible nightmare," she promises. Desperate for her comfort, I lift my hand over hers, leaning into the fleeting touch. How can I not feel comfort from a girl who evokes so much warmth? With her royal status, she maintains the most perfect skin: soft with no bumps or blemishes.

"Please keep my baby sister safe," I plead. She's too perfect for this world of war.

"No harm will come to her. I won't allow it," she confirms before leaning forward. Her ruby lips press against my forehead. Despite her birthday falling after mine, she towers over me slightly. But, hey. I still have time to grow.

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