Pawn - The Gaang

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This was a request, but I hope you all enjoy the read. Sorry for the long wait! I tried to do my best under limited hours of free time.

Azula's lips curl to the side as she closes in on the infamous Team Avatar. Her smirk grows as she watches the main four of our group step forward into their fighting stances. I observe from behind them, trying my best to keep from her sight.

Wanting to get a sneak of the action, I peek over Sokka's shoulder. My attention locks with the fire bender lifting her hand and bidding me a mockingly flirtatious wave. Ty Lee mimics her with a giggle and offers Sokka a similar greeting.

The water tribe boy turns to the side slightly, tipping his chin to whisper to me after blushing for a second.

"Remember what I told you. Run and stay hidden." He mumbles.

Nodding affirmatively, I wait for the fighting to commence. Most battles end like this, I flee the scene and take cover. Though, I can count the few times I managed to help them in minor ways, like unexpectedly tackling someone. Despite my lack of fighting skills, I make up for the loss with my ability to hunt various games, cook, plan, and nurse.

I make for pretty good Aid until Katara comes to finish healing the wounded. You can also find me helping Sokka with hunting and schedules since we both lack bending abilities.

Making sure to keep his gesture subtle, I spare him a glance before following through with my escape. I duck under his shoulder, hide behind my friends, and take off in a crouched run.

When I make enough distance between me and our campsite, I lift from my knees and straighten my back. We found the natural clearing last night. Sokka and I thought the surrounding trees were dense enough to protect us from intruders. Though, as you can see, the trees failed to assist.

One second, I trapped Toph in my lap to comb out her matted hair, and the next, a knife almost plunges me in the heart. Those three witches always single me out.

While I push past thick branches and try to make my trail scarce, a gentle blaze of heat flies over my head. My attention lifts to the warmth, focusing on the tree beginning to burn in front of me.

That stupid Princess chick must be after me.


Maybe I can outrun her?

I know I make for an easy target. If Azula comes for me first, everyone else will most likely try to protect me and put themselves in danger. That conniving bitch.

"You can't get away. Even if you try..." She taunts without any breathiness to her tone.

The volume of her voice raises as she catches up to my pace. Her swift footsteps follow mine, landing against leaves and twigs with matched speed. My lips part in a gasp as I feel her breath against my neck. Before I can think of escape, a mighty hand wraps around my wrist and yanks me back towards her.

"I've got you now, little one." She coos mockingly.

Azula grabs my other hand, holding both appendages behind my back before tying them together with rope. With one giant swoop, she leans over and hoists me onto her shoulder. Despite my wiggling and kicking, she manages to keep a sturdy hold of my waist.

"Y/n!" Aang calls out while racing towards Azula and me.

The rest of our group follows close behind, stopping until they're a few feet away. The Fire Princess glances past them with a regal nod. Unfortunately, she placed me forward over her shoulder, most likely to torture me with my friends' demise.

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