Lady Sato- Asami

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I whimper under her intense stare, my attention falling to the ground as I play with my fingers. She gazes down at me from her office chair silently. The businesswoman presses her red-coated lips together. She stretches a hand out to my face, curling her fingers under my chin. I let her gentle touch guide my head up to face her.

Her legs are crossed, her left foot kicking up and down lightly as she observes me under her domineering watch.

"Do I frighten you, little one?" Lady Sato questions, lifting my chin more so we're closer to eye level.

Her tone drops in genuine curiosity, borderline worried if you read into a bit more. I gulp at her question, struggling to find half-decent words.

"No, my Lady, you've only ever been kind to me." I attempt to speak in a confident tone, but my body betrays me. My words come out in more of a desperate whimper than anything else.

The corner of her painted lips curls into an amused smile. Her hand trails from under my chin to the side of my face. The appendage covers the whole left side of my head, her thumb resting at the corner of my mouth.

"I'm glad, but that doesn't explain why you're practically shaking beneath my touch." Her lips curl into an even wider smirk as she watches my cheeks flush a bright pink. 

Unable to keep my emotions in check, I lean into her touch, craving to be close to her. Asami smiles at this, brushing her thumb over my lips affectionately.

"You just make me so nervous, my Lady. You're just so splendid, I forget how to act." I admit, my cheeks burning an even darker shade of red.

She leans over her from her chair, towering over me wonderfully, her lips curled into an elegant smile.

"I see... I was just making sure I haven't made you feel uncomfortable. I know the obvious height difference can be a bit frightening at times."

The playful shine in her eyes dims at the thought, though she pets my face attentively.  The corners of her mouth tug in a subtle frown, though barely visible, I can still make out the creases at her chin.  Desperate to comfort my wonderful Mistress, I rest my smaller hand against hers. Her eyes lock with mine, a bit shocked by the motion before an amused grin takes hold of her features.

"I find your height to be very pleasant, my Lady," I confess. 

Her tall stature was frightening at first. All I could think about was how easily she could take me out. It would only take a gentle squeeze of her hand. Despite her undoubting strength, she's been very tender with me, my well-being coming before hers a lot of the time.

Asami hums thoughtfully, bringing me up on her lap so that I'm curled to her chest.

"I'm glad to hear it."

I snuggle up to her bosom happily, letting her warmth soothe my stress. We both had a long day. I'm just glad it's almost over.

I was called back and forth from her office all day while Asami attended meetings after meetings. But, I knew what pressures came with the job when I agreed to become her assistant- and plaything...and even her lover.

The businesswoman peppers my cheek with affectionate kisses, preparing to ease us both into well-needed relaxation.

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