Let Go 2- Korra

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Korra sighs, leaning back from her kiss with Asami. The feeling of the older woman's lips against hers was okay. Though, the kiss doesn't compare to the warmth that spreads across her body when she's with Y/n. She's come to realize that she did have feelings for Asami. However, she found that her affection was in more of a friend crush kind of way than it was love.

She's sure that she could get rid of these feelings in a breeze, but Y/n's so damn adamant about exploring her options. It's like she wants her to end up with Asami.

"You didn't like it..." The older woman points out.

The avatar nods with a gentle frown, "I'm sorry,"

The businesswoman smiles supportively, "It's okay. I'm glad I could help you out."

Sure. Asami's a bit disappointed, but she's more than happy to help. Plus, she's not looking for a relationship right now anyway.

Korra hums absentmindedly, bidding the non-bender goodbye before making a dash to her girlfriend's apartment. They started their break a few weeks ago, and the master-of-all-elements spent two of them sobbing her eyes out in her pillow.

It took all of Team Avatar to get the bender out of her bed. Even Lin had stopped by to give the girl a stern talking to, and it worked too. The chief must have said something inspirational because only a minute after she left, Korra was out of bed and marching to Y/n's apartment. Her plan didn't work though, Y/n wasn't home, and her girlfriend hid the spare key in a new place.

Shaking off her nerves, she knocks on the doorbell anxiously. The door opens a few seconds after, revealing the older girl in her lazy clothes. 

"Hey, Kor!" She exclaims, opening the door for her girlfriend to come in.

As soon as the two are well situated in the tiny home, Korra brings the taller woman into a tight hug. Y/n grins, holding her close. An overwhelming sense of pride and happiness swells in her chest.

The two stay in this position for a while, just appreciating their embrace. Korra finally understands why they took a break in the first place. It wasn't fair for her to be practically dating two people at the same time. She may not have actually been cheating on her, but emotionally she was.

"I love you," Korra whispers in a relieved tone that screams in every way possible, "You're the only one."

The water bender pulls away from the avatar, still holding onto her forearms. She dips her head gently, guiding her girlfriend into an affectionate kiss. Korra repositions herself, gliding a hand up to the older woman's face.

After a minute of the two kissing against the kitchen wall, Y/n mumbles against Korra's lips, "I love you too."

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