Dead Beat Dad - Lin/Tenzin

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"Mommy?", I call out to the sleeping woman.

My bare feet pad against the hard wood floor as I make my way to the side of my mother's bed.

She grumbles a bit while turning around to face me. Her green eyes flutter open," What's wrong?"

" That air bending man is at the door again. ", I mumble under my breath.

Mommy sits up in the bed, placing a hand to my face," You didn't open the door, right? "

I shake my head side to side,"Never, little girls don't open the door unless Mommy says they can."

She leans over and kiss a soft kiss to my head,"Good girl, stay here while Mommy answers the door."

Never taking my eyes off her, I watch my mom step out her room and out to the living room. Once I know it's safe, I peek my head out the door. The two of them are whisper shouting at one another, with hands raised in jagged motions.

" You decided to cheat on me with that student of yours! You made it clear you don't want anything to do with me!", mommy shouts at the man in a hushed tone.

"But that's my daughter Lin, you can't just keep her from knowing me! I'm her father! ", the man shouts in the same timbre.

Mom glares up at him, crossing her arms over her chest,"You don't get the right to know her. You walked out on the both of us, deal with it. Neither of us want anything to do with you, goodbye Tenzin. "

She pushes him out the front door and locks it with a slight twitch of her finger. Her shoulders sag in a heavy sigh,turning around and walk back towards me.

Afraid of being caught, I slip my head back in the room and climb up on to her bed.

Mommy walks back in, closing the door behind her. She follows me onto the bed and lays besides me with another deep sigh.

"Who is that man Mommy?", I ask her quietly.

She reaches a hand out for me to take. I let my tiny hands slip into her hers as she gently tugs me to her side.

"That's was no one baby, forget about him."

Mommy wraps an arm around me and holds me close to her chest. Humming happily, I curl myself against her, letting her slow breathing lull me to sleep.


It's been a few days since that night that weird man came to the door and momma's been acting strange.

She usually leaves me home alone, but lately she's been having our neighbor watch me and she's giving a lot more goodbye kisses than usual. Like yesterday she covered my whole face in kisses before squeezing me tight and going to work.

But today our neighbor couldn't watch me and Mom's torn between taking me to work with her or leaving me home alone.

"Do you wanna come to work with Mommy today?", she asks me as she gets ready to go.

"I don't know, I wouldn't mind it.", I mumble, open for whatever she decides to do.

She sighs softly, lifting me up with one arm and carrying me over to our couch. Her eyebrows pull together in worry as she unfolds my blanket and lays it over me.
She tucks me in and turns on the tv, turning it to the channel for kids.

"I'm gonna make us some breakfast, Okay Baby?", Mommy asks as she makes her way to the kitchen.

I watch my cartoons happily while breathing in the powerful aroma of my mother's cooking. The spices mix together to create a wonderful smell.

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