Change - Mai

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Dark eyes follow my movements silently, tracing over my figure. The woman's plain expression seizes to falter as she fights me flawlessly. Her movements match mine seamlessly, swiping at me with her knife. Luckily, I dodge the throw, turning to Katara for some backup.

She nods, waving her arms in fluid motions as she conjures up water arms. The two of us take on the silent woman, leaving Sokka to defend himself against the other non-bender.

We only fight together for a few seconds. Katara ends up helping her brother after he fell on his face, chi-blocked. Caught up watching her aid the wounded boy, the enemy pins me to a tree with her knives at my sleeves.

"You fight well. How'd you learn?" She questions with genuine curiosity, taking slow steps in my direction.

I ignore her, blocking out my own curiosity, "What do you want from us?"

She leans in close, our noses practically touching as she locks eyes with me. I fall into a short trance, enamored by the different reflections and pigments swirling around her pupil.

"I don't want anything. I'm just here for the ride." She explains in a bored tone.

Katara pushes the mysterious girl away before I can respond, trapping her in ice.

"Where's the blind one?" I question while looking around for our friend, careful to not give the enemy too much information.

"She's dragging Sokka back to Appa." She explains simply.

Shaking my head, I hold back a disappointed sigh. So much for not giving too much info. I look over, finding the other non-bender trapped similarly, but with hardened earth.


Mai sighs, finally warming herself up after her capture. The maids were kind enough to give her a warm mug of tea and heat fire in her sleeping quarters. The fight between the warrior before tugs at her mind, remembering the determined shine that decorated her features. They were so close, seconds away from kissing, really.

Her heart stammers against her chest as she replays the brawl in her head once again.

Every move that girl made was perfectly planned. It was like fighting with Azula, but without the fire bending.


"We need to take them out already. We can't keep evading this. It will only last for so long, especially with Zuko on our tail." I explain to my team.

Sokka hums, placing a hand up to his chin. He looks over the map and the schedule he made.

"I agree. We narrowly escaped last time. We need to finish them once and for all." The man calls out.

The avatar questions in disbelief, "You want to kill them?"

My eyes widen at his thoughts, "No! Not unless we have to. We can capture them and take them with us. I'm sure we can force some information out of them." I reiterated to the younger boy.

Toph sighs from her seated position on some random stump, "I don't know, guys. Won't taking them everywhere become a hassle? They don't seem like the type to sell out easily, especially Azula."

Sokka joins in once again, "We go for the weakest one first, and hopefully, the others fall in line."

Aang and Katara glance at each other before looking back at us. Disapproval tugs their lips into deep frowns.

I guess the way we phrased it did sound kinda bad.

"Not like that, guys. We're not gonna torture them. We just plan to use some manipulation as they have done to us." I illustrate while walking over to them.

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