Careful 2 - Kya/Lin

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I'm so so so sorry for taking such a long time to upload this. I wish I could offer a valid excuse, but I was lazy about writing this story. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for bearing with me.

Trigger Warning: PTSD, Confronting Fears, Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, and Night Terrors

After a few days of convincing and diligently avoiding Avatar Korra, Mara eventually agreed to return home. Her aunt and uncle sat her down for a short chat in their room. While she will always be welcome at Air Temple Island, they encouraged her to reach out to her parents, which backfired.

As soon as she understood the conversation, her cheeks flushed, and her shoulders hunched together in panic. Mara spun around on her heels, tripped over herself, and slammed her shoulder against the door frame in her escape.

Despite the crippling amount of terror Kuvira caused, people love to pretend the invasion never happened. Some even forgive that monster and treat her like a friend. Everyone has forgotten about the reeducation camps, manipulations into unfair treaties, and the deaths she caused, charmed by her shining grin and alluring mannerisms, hiding her true intentions.

Instead of living behind bars for eternity or facing death, Kuvira receives house arrest. House Arrest! Does nobody hear how absurd that sounds? Poor Mara suffers in ways she not yet has the words to describe while the world forgives the evil that is Kuvira.

After the return of their daughter, both mothers agreed to discuss her most recent behavior. Mara rarely ever sleeps through the whole night and recently has been acting out: throwing things, talking back, making messes.

The couple sits at opposite sides of their dark wood kitchen table with their respective Best Mother In The Word mugs clutched in their hands. A blue and white bowl of sugar rests between them as they talk.

"I think Mara thinks we're on Kuvira's side," Kya explains awkwardly, making a sour face as she rethinks her words. She takes a conciliatory sip of her chamomile tea with a frown curling her lips.

"We're not. If I ever see that bun-braided bitch again, I think I might just kill her." Lin grumbles aggressively. Her fingers wrap around the handle of her mug in a fist. They drain in color, turning white as her grip tightens. "I'll kill her. I swear I will." She promises, glaring down at the yellow liquid swirling in her cup.

"Lin..." Kya begins, her eyes fluttering shut and her hand lifting to her cheek with a sigh.

"No. We shouldn't have told Mara so soon. I shouldn't have even tried to defend Su's decision. The way Mara reacted-I haven't seen her that panicked since Kuvira's trial. She's terrified, Kya. She ran away from us, ran away, Kya. She couldn't even look at us when we finally brought her home. Mara's right. Kuvira deserves to rot." Lin rants, taking a long slurp of her ginger tea as if the soothing agent were whiskey.

Kya reaches over the table, taking Lin's free hand in hers with a firm squeeze. The Chief lifts her gaze from her cup with furrowed eyebrows and lips still twisted bitterly. These past few months have been a challenge between the war with the Triads and Mara's condition nothing has come easy for them. 

"Mara just needs some time to let this all settle in. You're right. Our daughter has a point. I don't think Kuvira should have gotten away so easily either. But house arrest is what the court decided with." Kya reassures with another squeeze.

Lin sits up in her chair, tightening her grip around her wife's hand with a frown still spread across her lips.

"I think we need to invest in a therapist. That's the only way Mara's ever gonna get better." Kya suggests.

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