Fright - Kuvira

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Trigger Warning: Death, Murder, Serial killer, Blood, and Mental Illness

The metal bender slams the front door behind her, walking into our home in a sour mood. She chucks her briefcase to the floor aggressively before shrugging off her jacket.

I decide it's best to stay clear from her to not upset her even more. I tiptoe up the stairs to the second level of our apartment, trying to avoid being seen or heard.

"Bae!" She calls out in a calmer tone.

My lips part in a soft sigh as I accept my fate. I run back down the steps to the back part of our home. Her hands are tucked under her chin, slouching in her seat as she leans against the kitchen island.

"Hi, lovely! How was your day?" I question while stepping closer to her backside.

She sighs, fully resting her head on the marble table, "Terrible. Most of them like my ideas, but this one guy was so rude. He had the nerve to tell me I was inexperienced."

My lips purse together, trying to empathize with her silently. I raise my hands to her back, rubbing the tense muscles from over her shirt. I rub in soothing circles, trailing up to her shoulders.

Kuvira hums contently, "That feels amazing."

I work my way up to her neck, exposed from her hair being pulled up in a tight bun. Her body relaxes under my touch, sighing at every dig into her skin.

"I know it's my turn to make dinner, but can you do please do it today?" She questions softly.

I wave her off, kissing the back of her neck, "Don't worry about it. It's nothing too serious."

After a few minutes of just mindlessly massaging her back, I leave her be for a bit. Sometimes it's good to alone.

I make myself busy by finishing up some cleaning and starting my essays for two of my courses. College sucks. It's just a waste of money, time, and energy.

After getting at least a paragraph or two in both essays, I head back downstairs again. When I walk into the living room, Kuvira's sitting up on the couch, glaring down at her phone. Her grip on the device tightens, her hand turning white as the phone begins to bend slowly.

"Kuvira," I call out to grab her attention.

Her head snaps up, the malicious expression on her face softening. She sighs, throwing her phone to the side and standing up to walk toward me.

"I'm going out to talk to Korra about something that happened at the office. That guy made a big deal about my sales pitch and has been spreading bad press about me."

I nod, reaching out to grab the hand that almost crushed her phone, "Can I get a kiss?"

The corner of her lips curls slightly, leaning over to kiss the top of my head. Before I can complain about her dodge, she presses her lips against mine tenderly. No matter how upset she gets, she's always so gentle with me. Her sense of control has always amazed me, but lately, it's been wavering a bit, understandably so.

"I'll be back before dinner," She promises before heading out to the door.

She lied. It's two in the morning, and she's still not home. I've probably paced around the apartment about a thousand times by now. My hands dig into my pants pocket again, reaching for my phone. Maybe she'll pick up this time.

The front door creaks open progressively. As if attempting to sneak back in.

"Kuvira?" I call out for the older woman.

"Yeah, it's me. I know I must have worried you, but I got a bit wet from the rain, so I'm gonna change real quick! Wait for me in the kitchen!" she explains.

I don't listen. Instead, I follow after the older woman blindly. I'm too worried to wait any longer.

My lower jaw drops, hanging loosely in shock. A loud gasp fills the otherwise quiet room, gaining Kuvira's attention. I back up from the front room, trying to step back into the kitchen.

She reaches out for me, "Wait! It's not what it looks like!"

Her hands are covered in blood, and her once clean shirt is soaked with crimson liquid. Just by the splattered patterns on the white fabric, I know the blood's not hers.

I turn my back to her, running in the opposite direction. Mapping out a plan for myself, I reach out for my phone, sitting on top of the island, and extend a hand to one of the knives lying by the stove. She beats me to it, blocking my path with a knife in her right hand.

I shriek in my terror, attempting to back away from her taller form. She drops the knife onto the floor, reaching out for me. My hands slap away at her arms, trying to create space, but they wrap around my tinier frame and pull me up. I struggle in her grasp, kicking my legs and pounding my fists against her forearm.

"I'm so sorry you had to see this, beautiful. I tried to hide this from you, but I can't any longer. I can't hold myself back anymore." She cries against the back of my neck.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way, but at least you'll pass in my arms." She mumbles softly, pressing her lips to the top of my head.

The grip around my waist tightens, squeezing my insides. My eyes widen from the pain, crying out as my ribs crack and break under pressure. Kuvira spins me around, placing a hand on my cheek affectionately.

"I'm so sorry," She begins again.

I cut her off, attempting to preserve my life.

"I love you," I whisper through a rough intake of air. It hurts to breathe in.

Her eyes widen, "What?"

My heart slams against my chest rapidly, pumping with adrenaline.

"", I gasp lightly, "I- for-I for-"

More tears slide down her cheeks, holding me close to her messy form.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She cries as I struggle to breathe.

Her body slides against low kitchen cabinets as she falls to the ground with me in her arms still. Her cries turn into a shoulder-shaking wail.

"I love you too." She whispers, stroking the back of my head with her bloody hand.

I slump against her chest, still wheezing painfully. Just when I think it's safe, a sharp object tears into my back, digging into my skin and through the other side. I hold a pained hand to the right side of my chest, gasping and coughing as blood pools from my mouth and onto Kuvira's shirt.

The older woman coos affectionately as I choke on my own blood, still stroking at the back of my head.

"You're in a better place now."

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