Golden || Miya Atsumu

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"Am I late?"

You panted hard as your eyes darted to the television that Osamu had set up in his shop, pouting when you realised you missed the first two sets of the match. Pulling a chair out for you to sit down, Kita poured a glass of water on the table, leaving you to catch a breather as he let you rest after a long day at work.

Yes, work. If it was not because of your work, you would be there right now. Calling out your boyfriend's name at the top of your lungs every time he hit yet another service ace, or maybe after he gave some of those nasty monster generations a perfect set.

If only adulthood wasn't a bitch, you would be there for him, right there sitting in the VIP section, supporting the passion that he loved more than anything in the world (except you, everyone knew he loved you just the same, and maybe even more by the slightest bit).

You let out an exasperated sigh, taking off the blazer around you and setting it down on your lap, grabbing the water that Kita prepared for you before and gulping it down in an elegant manner. Though the entire time, you did not move your eyes away from the screen. Not when he, the love of your life, was out there chasing his love and dream.

You couldn't help but yell out a yes! or that's my boy! every time the commentator acted so surprised over his skills. You didn't realise everyone had their eyes on you, smiling softly at how your presence there was like a bridge to how exactly it felt on the court right now.

The way you shouted, slamming a fist on the table, the cheer that was being babbled non-stop from your lips — it was as if they were all there, sitting on the front seat to support their former teammates. Not just Atsumu, but also Ojiro and Suna (and somehow you were sure that it would only take time until Japan finally saw Riseki's skill too).

You were so expressive every time you watched a match where your high school friends were playing. And you remembered that one time that EJP Raijin, Suna's team, had to meet with Black Jackals, Atsumu's team. The tension was there, both players knew each other like the back of their hand. No one was on the upper hand, they were all equal, and once again, the only thing that could help them win was speed.

And that time, Jackals was just a tiny bit faster than the former.

There was something about Miya Atsumu that made you feel so drawn the second you saw him on the court. You tended to come early whenever they had a practice match with another school, wanting to know how much of a powerhouse the team was, how these legendary twins were playing for them all.

It started with just a few simple steps towards the back of the court, volleyball in his hand and eyes fixated on a space in front of him as his mind focused on the game. Following a whistle from the umpire, with his chin held high, he tossed the ball to the sky.

That, that was mesmerizing. Brown orbs that looked golden gleamed under the bright light of the gymnasium as he spiked the ball with all his force, and didn't even let the other school take a proper breath as the ball landed on their side of the court.

You couldn't stop your body from moving, your feet wobbling a little as you stood there on the stands. You were starstruck by the aura that radiated from the setter who was currently high-fiving his twin, with a satisfied smile plastered on his face. Such a simple thing, happiness was.

And it was contagious, everything about him was contagious as your heart stirred. Not out of love (at least at that moment, not yet), but because of the passion in his eyes, the utmost will of putting up one hundred and twenty percent on the court, in something that he loved.

Volleyball was not just a mere hobby for that man and you could see it, and you admired it. Noting inside your heart that he was the epitome of love and dreams. You called it cliche, but it was something that was long buried in your heart. And to feel it again, even though it was from another person — you didn't want to let it go away.

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