Elegiac || Miya Atsumu

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To say his life was great, would be the understatement of the century. His life was more than great as he was born from a loving family, having a twin brother who was always there for him, marrying a woman that would stay forever, and two legacies that hold his name.

Everyone was envious of all of his achievements, to be loved and to be admired, the Miya Atsumu, one of the legendary setters that Japan ever had.

A lot of people want his life, a life that looks so marvelous on the outside. A life that every obstacle was so easy to fight. A life, that he used to have.

To be loved by you in his life, was a gift by the deity that he would never trade with anything. He would let go everything that he had if that means he would be loved forever, loved by the woman who always put his needs on top of herself.

If everyone said to him that they would do anything to have his life, the setter would laugh at them, telling them it would be a bad move, the worst decision that they would pull.

But he would say that with tears glimmering in his eyes, heart hammering with sorrow as he remembered how his life was being turned upside down.

"Papa?" He jolted, hearing the voice that belongs to his ten years old daughter, "Do you need something? Anything?" The girl immediately ran to his father's side, making sure that her father knew he didn't struggle alone.

"Nah, I am good, Airi." He ruffled her hair, making the girl pout as her hair was now disheveled, "You ready for the trip tomorrow?"

"I will always be ready," The setter smiled at her answer, he bowed his body a little to level with her gaze, "Are you really alright, pa?" Atsumu bit his lips, chuckling bitterly inside as he knew from where his daughter could sense any kind of negative feelings that he had.

You were always like that, knowing exactly what was happening in his mind. It was like magic, to exactly know what he needed when he was stressed, sad, or just needed comfort.

And seeing the copy of you being so understanding, awoken something inside his soul that was long buried,

"Of course I am alright! Why wouldn't I?" He pulled his daughter to his embrace like she's always a baby that needed to be protected, "Just, don't fight too much with Seia on the trip."

"Pfft, no promises there." His daughter chuckled as she remembered how annoying her twin brother could be, "Hey, pa?" She let out a long sigh, wrapping her arms around her guardian angel,

"Yes, peanut?" The girl's whole body was now trembling. Atsumu could only tighten his embrace as he realised the reason behind it.

"I-I miss her so much," Her voice cracked, tears started to seep on his shirt for every second she stayed on his embrace. He knew it was the same struggle that he felt every day he walked on earth,

"You want to know the truth?" His fingers caressed the strand of pitch black hair that belongs to the girl, "I wouldn't survive these past three years alone without you and Seia."

He pulled himself from the embrace, cupping her face as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. He almost cried every time he looked deep inside her eyes, the same eye colour that you had,

"We are in this together. Okay, peanut?" She bit her lips, trying to calm down her heart beat, burying her sorrow for now.

"I know, pa." A wide smile appeared on her face. Atsumu knew it was forced, but the fact that his daughter tried to act strong in front of him somehow made him feel so proud.

There's a jingling sound from the door, and both of them knew who it was before the figure opened the front door,

"I am ho- Why do you guys look at me like that?" The boy that was now standing with confusion in his eyes was really a duplicate of you. From the face structure, the hair colour and texture, even with how his face produces expression.

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