Behind Those Eyes || Bokuto Koutarou

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Bonus Part of Eyes Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The arena was so packed today. Not even one seat was empty. As always, Bokuto loves the loud and how all spectators could see him. But something, something is missing on today's match. His golden eyes were practically looking at where you and his best friend usually sat. Though it was replaced by an unknown person right now.

He was pouting the whole time. No, it's not his usual dejected mode like he always has ever since high school days. The truth is that he never falls into that mode since one particular time. Bokuto Koutarou is a grown man. It's been twenty-eight years he breathes the oxygen in this world, he started to change, for the better.

His finger was fiddling around a rose gold wedding ring. The inside was written with one sentences that he always loves, always be there. Every time he missed you, he will remember that you never actually leave his side. Even if your figure were not there, your heart would accompany him with every step he took.

"Hey, Bokkun." The setter of his team called him out of his trance, "Come on, the second set will begin." Miya Atsumu was looking at the man with sympathy in his brown eyes. He was feeling guilty for something, something that may wouldn't happen if he just shut up and pestered him all those months ago.

Bokuto nodded at the setter, kissing the ring and pray before putting it back on his pocket. He was ready now, fiddling with your wedding ring always calm him down. It feels like you are exactly there, supporting him with all of your heart.

He stared once again to the seats that were now occupied by other people. Both you and Akaashi couldn't attend his match today for the first time in forever. Well, the reason is practically lovely for the two, but not for him. You were now Akaashi (Y/n), and the two of you was away in another country, spending time together after the wedding two weeks ago.

This morning, he got a video call from his best friend. Akaashi was on the balcony as he was saying good luck for today's match, though he was sure that Bokuto could win the game. Then there you were, circling your arms around Akaashi's neck as you hug him from behind. Apologising for the lack of physical support. Bokuto brushed it off. He knew that the two of you couldn't predict the future as when he will have a match.

You were so beautiful there with a white sleeping dress. Even though your bed hair was visible, you still manage to look gorgeous. His mind is running wild for a second, remembering the times when he could only see your bed hair. But now, all of your little things were belong to his best friend.

He remembered Saturday, two weeks ago. His hair was slicked to the back, one look that you said always looks good on him after his unstyled hair. You were saying that he looks mature when he didn't wear his usual hairstyle, but no matter how he looks, you always love him either way. At least that's what you said all those years ago.

Nervous, that's what struck you when your father stands by your side. He was trying to calm you down, but to no avail, you keep shuddering. This is exactly what happened four years ago, but back then you could manage to keep your composure and stride down with a giddy smile on your face.

Maybe you are afraid, and you didn't want to hurt Bokuto feelings after all. He collapsed when he saw how Akaashi kissed your forehead on one of the matches. What happened if he broke down? But you and Bokuto have been in a good relationship after that, and it's not that he still loves you anymore though. Right?

"Hey, hey," You jolted when you heard the familiar voice, "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" His golden eyes were full of concern. Your father looked at him with a surprised look, "Do you need anything? Water perhaps?" After all, your father never knew that the man could actually calm you down in seconds.

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