Coming Home || Oikawa Tooru

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Pt. 3 of Home Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The squeaking sound of the shoes at the court could be heard even from the outside. It was around 22 degrees celcius right now, but sweats were already dripping down his figure. There will be a tournament in a few days, and not even once he spends a day without hours of practising.

"Hoi, Tooru!" The brunette was practising his serve when his teammates called out to him. He turned around to look at them as they sat on the bench, "Take a break, man! You will get injured if you keep doing that." Injury, something that he always despised, but somehow he never lived without it.

"One more minute!" He shouted back. His teammates could only shake their heads, knowing for sure it wouldn't take a minute for him to finally have a break. After five years struggling and living in this country, he finally achieved his dream to be on the top of the chain in the league.

It was a matter of time to fulfil his promise to Hinata anyway. He's not the same man that's crying after losing to Karasuno all those years ago, he's no longer the same player who looked down to people anymore, he has changed, and it's for the better. He feels invincible, ready to get as much experience that he could gather.

"Someone's looking for you," That stopped his movement for a second. It's weird, he's never close with anyone that could possibly come to his club. His leg immediately felt wobbly at one moment, thinking about maybe, maybe it was you. He put the volleyball in the basket and grabbed his towel.

Just the thought of you finding him excites the setter so much. His teammates were looking at him as he styled his hair, "You look excited." A chuckle could be heard from his left, "Is it your lovers?"

Lovers, it was an unknown word in his life. You used to be his lovers, his significant others. He didn't know anymore whether the thought of you is a blessing or a curse. Five years, he thought maybe being on the top of the chain could satisfy him. But these five years has been a torture for his heart, aching every time he remember about you.

He hoped that maybe someday he wouldn't feel it again. The aching, the longing, the butterfly feeling. He didn't want to love anyone in his life, so he didn't have to feel any regret if he had to leave them. There's a lot of women who actually want him to be wrapped around their fingers, either his heart or just his body. But every time someone wanted to taste him, he couldn't think about anyone else except you, the one who always has his heart.

So it scared him a little, knowing there's less than 10% possibilities that it was you who were waiting for him outside of the gymnasium right now. Even if you knew where he was, why would someone that he left broken wanted to see him. It just won't add up no matter how many times he spun his brain.

He only answered his teammates with a smirk before walking up to the door. His thought was filled with you. He wondered if your hair became longer, or maybe how much you have changed, just like him. He closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh before finally opening up the door.

You are the most beautiful woman that he ever met. It's not like you have a body like a greek goddess, or a voice as beautiful as sirens. But it fell on your personality, how caring you could be, the patience that you radiate by spending a lot of time with him. You were his everything, and it's still the same even with five years without facing you.

So he was disappointed to see the woman turns out to be someone else, but not actually surprised by it. He chuckled bitterly when his eyes fell on the daughter of his landlord. From the start, he knew he shouldn't get his hopes up. After all, you might be married right now with how successful you are, based on his best friend's update.

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