Drunken Cowboy || Miya Atsumu

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When you arrived at home after buying some groceries to celebrate his winning, this is not the sight that you expect to see.

Atsumu had told you beforehand that he would host the celebration for today. As his fiancee, you wouldn't mind at all, as long as they would help you clean up the mess that they made.

So imagine how shocked you were to see two wasted men dancing playfully in the living room. The speaker blasted some random songs from the eighties, and you couldn't help but gawked as the scene unfolded in front of you.

Slowly, you put your grocery bags on the kitchen island, eyes never leave the sight. Your feet stride to the living room, standing near the wall and stopped beside one of his teammates,

"What just happened?" The germaphobe man glances at you and let out an exasperated sigh, "I swear I never saw him like this, and oh my god, why even Hinata become like this too?!"

There's Mamma Mia by ABBA playing in the background, you looked at your fiance who just slumped his shoulder all of a sudden, there's hurt playing in his eyes as he looked at you standing beside the black haired ace,

"Y-You!" He pointed his forefinger at Sakusa, "How dare you steal my lovers away?!" And now he pointed his finger at you, "AND YOU!" The setter jumped out from the couch and walked towards you, eyes blazing with rage before suddenly, tears started to brimmed in his eyes, "Why did you leave me with... With that weird, germaphobe, stoic face guy!"

"A-Atsumu," You jolted when he suddenly fall to the ground, looking as dejected as ever, "Wha-"

"No!" He stood up once again, pouting like a child who just dropped his ice cream, "I hate chu!" He huffed, turned his back at you and jumped to the couch once again, "Yes, I've been broken hearted~!" You cringed so hard at how he sang the song,

"Fuck this shit I am out," Sakusa walked away to god knows where, headache started attack him as he listened to how his setter sing.

You were too dumbfounded, eyes fixated at Hinata who was now gulping another alcoholic drink from the bottle. This will hurt so much tomorrow, you were sure of it.

"Ah, I want a woman!" Your fiance plopped his body to the couch, staring at the ceiling, "I want a woman that could love me and never leave me!" Bokuto, who was recording the whole event, walked up to Atsumu,

"Hey, Tsum-Tsum!" The wing spiker flicked your fiance's forehead, "Look behind you, there's a beautiful woman standing all alone, wanting your attention."

Hearing that, the blonde man straightened his posture, eyes twinkling with mischief as he take another look at you,

"She's smoking hot, right?" You blinked, didn't expect the words to come out from the wing spiker. Maybe, just maybe, he did get drunk a little before, "Go get her, man!"

Atsumu looked panicked all of a sudden, "But, Bokkun! How should I flirt with her? A little nudge here and there wouldn't get me through her!" You chuckled at this, knowing for sure you would love anything he did for you, "Help me out, Bokkun."

The camera guy, or just, Bokuto, straightened his body and scrunched his forehead. He's thinking of something, and your gut saying it would involve the man that you love doing something crazy.

"Oh, oh! I know," Bokuto leaned to your fiance, whispering something in his left ear. Atsumu nodded at the words he received, right now, you kind of have a bad feeling about it.

After the wing spiker was done telling him his plan, your fiance suddenly stood and walked outside to the backyard. When the figure was gone, you walked to Bokuto who was currently snickering,

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