Away From Home || Oikawa Tooru

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Pt. 2 of Home Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Hey, can you finish the report for the TV commercial this afternoon?"

"I need it on my desk as fast as you can, but no pressure, okay?"

"How is the advertisement going for that section? Anyone gone to the studio?"

Today was just like any other day; your office was bustling with people who needed to give you reports and information. There was no time for you to think about anything outside of your business, that's actually your goal from the start. You need to do something, talk to someone, or maybe just look outside of the window, observing people that were passing by.

But you couldn't just do nothing, not even for a second.

Because if your mind were empty for a split second, he would haunt you, and those memories would rip your heart apart, piece by piece. Oikawa Tooru used to be your home, but he decided to left you in the cold. Without warning, without a sign, without preparation.

"Miss?" You jolted, once again letting your mind fall to the deepest hell called anguish, "I am sorry, should I leave for now?" Your assistance looked worried, it's not the first time you suddenly become quiet all of a sudden.

"No, you can stay." It only needed a second to make you come back to the real world, "So, any report that you want to share with me?" There it is, a megawatt smile that no one could resist. A smile that your business partner was always happy to see.

But what they couldn't see was how that smile was just an empty shell. There's no reason for that smile. It's just a facade to tell the world that you were happy and striving. Nothing could break you, not even one man that you were supposed to love. For everyone, seeing you with that smile meant that you were alright. And if that means you wouldn't get bombarded with questions, you were okay wearing the same mask everyday.

You will always go to the office around 7 am, and you were not going back to your apartment until midnight. Being alone in your apartment was not an ideal place for you. Since the second you lay in your bed, the only thing that will creep into your mind was his presence. Something that you have lost for five years now.

When he left you in your bed alone that particular day, you were lost for weeks. You didn't know what to do except bawling your eyes out and sobbing for him to come back. But when two whole months passed without a hint of trace about him, you knew he left you for good.

You lost the home that you built together for something that you didn't even know the reason was. The only way for you to get out from there was to jump into conclusion. You needed to coat yourself with a hurtful lie, and when he started to engulfed your heart once again, you knew what you needed to tell yourself to.

Oikawa Tooru left you because he didn't love you anymore.

That's the mantra when your mind was falling back to him, that somehow telling yourself over and over, seems like it was the real reason. You still save a box that was full of his stuff. There was his cologne, his jersey, and some things that you got from him. There were numerous times when you almost burned it. But something always stopped you from doing so, and you will always end up sobbing, realising that no matter how many times you try to forget him, he still owned your heart just like from years ago.

"Going home, boss?" Your mind was in the cloud when you heard someone's voice, "I wonder why you are always the one who comes first and goes home the latest." Turns out; it was one of the security guards. You only let out a little smile at his remark,

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