With Lie || Suna Rintarou

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There were a lot of things about him that you loved so much, and usually, it was just some of his simple habits. It could be a little message that he always sent to you every morning, or how he attached some random picture when he was away, sometimes even just him calling you out of the blue only to say three words and then hung up.

"I miss you,"

"I need you,"

"I love you."

But from all the things about him, you really cherished this one particular trait. Every time he appeared in front of your apartment unnoticed, the first thing that he always did was engulfing you into his tight hug. The gesture that he made as he tried to soak all of your scents like a recharge.

A moment later, he would plop himself on your sofa, opening up his arms as he wanted you there on top of him. Nothing scandalous, just him being extra clingy after days-or sometimes weeks-didn't get some dose of your physical affection. And as a good girlfriend, you would comply with his request without thinking twice.

That was what happened before. Your body on top of him, his hand getting lost to the strands of your hair, lips occasionally kissing the top of your head. That was a blissful moment that you held dear. There were no words being spoken, a quiet atmosphere filled the living room that the two of you were in.

Both of you only needed five minutes to sleep in each other's arms. Sometimes even less than that if he was extremely tired-or just wanted to laze around. But something didn't sit right today, yesterday, and the last few times he had been here.

His chest shook here and there, resulting in you to come back to your conscious mind every time you started to drift off to your slumber. There was a series of giggles and waves of laughter coming from his lips, and it made you groan when he didn't stop after an hour,

"I swear to God, Rin. If you didn't put your phone down I am going to kick you out." You said it with annoyance dripping on your voice. But since he knew you would never do such thing to him-he took it as an advantage,

"Just one more video." He ruffled your hair lazily in hope that maybe it could calm you down. But no, it made you more irritated because you could feel that he was not exactly there with you. However, you waited for him, maybe it would only take a minute.

One minute turned into ten, and ten minutes turned into half an hour. You loved him, you really do. But what was the point of coming here if he ended up not here with you?

Sighing, you decided to just roll down towards the floor and get out from his embrace. You stood up and dusted yourself before walking back towards your own bedroom. Normally, he would follow you, and if you strode too slowly, the next thing that happened was you in his shoulder before plopping you down towards the bed.

It was what happened weeks ago-but apparently, not now, not in the past few times he was here. You turned your face at him, wanting to see his reaction one more time. Your hand immediately gripped on the doorknob once you noticed he didn't even lift his head to see you. And for you, that was the last straw.

You clicked your tongue and decided to slam the bedroom door. It was him who suddenly popped out in front of your apartment, it was him who said he missed you and wanted to spend time with you,

"I want to spend time with you, my ass." You grumbled and changed your clothes into a more comfortable one. If your boyfriend didn't want to cuddle properly, might as well cuddle with your blankets and plushies like you used to when he was away for some games.

You almost grabbed his shirt that he left in your apartment on purpose, and it made you frown since some of his sweet words appeared on your mind.

The morning was your favourite time, because when the sun rises, he could be there with you. You gave your boyfriend the key to your apartment, so when he needed to see you, he could just slip under your blanket, even in the middle of the night.

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