Right Back Home || Miya Atsumu

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Home. He was supposed to be home by now, maybe in your embrace as he wrapped his arms around your torso. He should have been there, inside the house with you, dragging your body to bed since he knew how stubborn you could be if there was some work that you needed to finish.

Funny how right now he stood in front of the house that you used to share with him, yet didn't dare to come knock at the door. As if the owner of the house was just a stranger. As if the owner of the house was not someone that he kissed for the last three years of his life.

But as his amber eyes stared at the mahogany door, it was as if the past years of his life on earth was just a mere fantasy; something that his mind created to make him feel better about his crappy adulthood.

He was broken — hopeless too. And right now he wanted nothing but to rewind the time, wishing that somehow in another chance, he could get back to you.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

You croaked out, engulfed by the warm hoodie that belonged to him — yet it could not save you from the coldness inside his orbs as it pierced into you. You felt so small, hands holding on tight to the soft fabric to keep you from falling as you tried to stand your ground.

"What's the point?" He shrugged, both hands tucked inside his pocket. "It's not like it would change what you did."

You wanted to retort as he voiced it out mindlessly. Communication was important in a relationship. Yet every time he didn't like something that you did, he always just kept it inside his heart and grumbled on his own.

And each time, it would end up in one thing, a fight. Endless fights as he was too stubborn to say that something was bothering him, yet when you turn around and act as nothing happened — he always says that you never care. A little toxic wasn't it?

"But what if it would have?" You steeled yourself, taking one step closer to him. "If I knew that talking to Sakusa could make you feel like this, I wouldn't talk to him that much." Every word that you said was honest, for him, you really would do anything.

"Oh, as if." But he just decided to be a bitch about it. "Can't you see it? How he let you come close to him? How he actually wanted your company or, or how he fucking allowed you to touch him?" Each sentence dripped with poison as his fist clenched and unclenched, trying not to let his emotions run free.

"What is wrong with touching him? I just—"

"'Cause he never lets anyone touch him!"

His shoulders slumped the second he blurted out the words, hand carding his own hair in frustration. "Can't you see it? He's interested in you! He smiles a lot when you are around, and what? You flirt with him back as if I am not even there!"

"I am just being a good friend, Sumu!"

"Oh yeah, being a good friend with those innocent looking eyes as you leaned your body closer to him. Yes, such a good friend you are."

Your blood boiled as his accusation seeped inside your heart. You have been nothing but a loyal partner for the setter, and yet he always acted like this when someone was being too close with you. It was as if he questioned your love for him, and little by little, you started to question why you stayed.

"I am not in this relationship to be treated like this." You hissed at him and took off the hoodie that you wear, throwing it right at his face, leaving you with just a thin shirt to cover your body. "You're always playing victim, always acting like I don't care, like I don't love you."

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