With Hope || Miya Osamu

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Your eyes bore to the clock once it struck twelve. The ticking sounds filled the entire room while you sat on the stool, arms wrapped around yourself as you lingered there. A fur coat that you wore to work today still clung around your shoulders, warming you up in the middle of the night. One that used to be his favourite things to do.

You remember the earlier time of your marriage with him, the time when everything seems so clear. The kitchen where you were right now was usually filled with warmth and laughs. Both of you would cook some dinner together, sometimes baking cookies for his employees. You could imagine it at the back of your head, how this room became a love nest in this house. But now, there was nothing here but silence.

Trying to get away from the memories that you long for, you decided to focus on yourself. That's when your eyes fell on your manicured nails, so perfect you couldn't even see a slight crack on it. Something that was way too different compared to the man that you were waiting for since a few hours ago.

Somehow, you could still feel his calloused hand touch your skin, even if it was already months since the two of you getting lost on each other's flush. Yes, months. But ever since you were scouted by a modelling agency, your life with him was never the same again.

You used to wake up with him every morning, helping around the house while he prepared himself to go to Onigiri Miya. Some other times you would help him do the paperwork, or maybe brainstorming with him about some expansion of the franchise. It was all a good time, every second that you spent with him was the best thing in your life.

But somehow when you were given the chance to spread your own wings, you needed to let go of something that was as important as your dream.

"Why are you still awake?"

You jolted when you heard the familiar voice rang through the house. Getting lost inside the daydream, you didn't even hear the rattle of the keys or how the front door closed just a few seconds ago. You looked up and came face to face with the man that you vowed your love to.

The black-haired man leaned himself on the walls that separate the kitchen and the living room, dark grey eyes stared at your figure as his lips shaped into a thin line. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You were supposed to greet him with a smile, running towards him as you tackled him to the ground.

Yet here you were anyway, in the same room, the same house, sheltered under the same roof but live like strangers. Both of you just look at each other, knowing what would happen if someone decided to break the silence. You and he were the same, trying to extend the fragile relationship that wasn't even there anymore.

"You are what?"

"I am scouted to be a model, Samu!"

You bombarded him with the news when he came home that day. Once he was home, you practically dragged him to the living room, pushing him to the couch before you plopped yourself on his lap. Your smile never once wavered as you ramble about how you were chosen and talking about the contract that only needed to be signed by you.

Your husband always listened to you. But right now, it felt like everything you said was just gibberish. Perhaps this was what his twin brother felt when he told the setter he was going to leave volleyball for good. It hurts, like someone just put a stake on his heart. And he really didn't know what to say.

His grey eyes gazed at you with a hint of distress, because he knew that you would be away for days if you decided to take the chance. There would no longer be you and him when it comes to Onigiri Miya. Once again, it would be just him. And right now, he couldn't even tell you the news that he wanted to share.

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