Agape || Iwaizumi Hajime

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The venue bathed in brilliant summer sunlight as the season changed. Spring has gone, replaced by summer that rolled into the world, giving warm tingle to everyone's soul. Today the sky was painted blue, not even a glimpse of clouds could be seen in the horizon right now.

In the countryside, two families gathered together to celebrate this special day. The day when two different families moulded into one to create and endless linkage. The day when two souls become one, to begin an everlasting journey with each other by their sides.

The celebration would be held in a property with a private beach. It was tricky, knowing that too much wind could wreck the entire venue. But the couple took the risk anyway. It was a day that would happen once in their life, and they wanted it to be special.

At one of the buildings where the groom prepared themselves, a couple of lovebirds could be heard through the entire room. It was soothing and rare to find those birds near the sea. Maybe, it was a sign, hopefully a sign for something greater.

Yellow light from the sun illuminated one of the rooms. A large mirror with gold intrication planted on the creamy wall. The room was filled with clothes, beverages, and some flowers that would be put in the suit pocket later on.

He stood there with a suit wrapped around his figure. The suit was chosen by his best friend, something that he was actually afraid to do since he knew how bad the fashion sense that his best friend had.

But he just had to do it, he cherished the friendship that has been going on for years between him and the professional volleyball player. And right now, he was actually satisfied with how well the suit complimented him. He was muscular, and it was hard to find a suit that was just right. So it made him feel grateful to find one that could glorify his figure perfectly.

Sweat started to form in his forehead even though the air conditioner filled the room he was in at the moment. Another man with soft chocolate hair stood there while humming a tone, the best friend that he cared so much.

"You are too tense, Iwa-chan~" Oikawa sang sung while once again styled his hair to the back, "Everything would run smoothly, I am sure of it!"

"Tch, don't jinx it, Trashykawa." Even though his words were malice, the intonation that followed didn't scream annoyance at all, "I couldn't believe you actually came, you know."

The brunette stopped his doing and turned to look at his best friend, the man who was always there for him, even at his darkest time.

"You are my best friend, Iwa." It was rare to hear the brunette called him without any honorific, knowing well his whole life he had to hear his name with a chan every single day.

The two men just looked at each other, a small smile plastered on their faces like they thought about the same thing, "Even though I am broke as hell to fly here and back to Argentina next week, it was worth it."

The spiky haired man chuckled to hear the remark. He didn't actually expect his best friend to accept the invitation, knowing that the professional volleyball player still had another year in Argentina.

But then, this is just a glimpse to show how powerful the friendship that he had. Once upon a time, the brunette even left the chance to go to an elite school because he didn't get accepted there. It was still imprinted on his heart, to have a friend who would do anything to just stick together. Even though the said school could bring the brunette to a more promising future, his best friend didn't care.

"Well, I want to be in the same court as you," It was raining, the two high school boys walked side by side with umbrellas in their hands, "Not as foe, but as a friend, as teammates."

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