Pleading Eyes || Bokuto Koutarou

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Pt. 1 of Eyes Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

Your eyes were currently looking at the clock, the only sound around you was from there and how the rain was trickling down the windowpane. It was past 9 pm right now, and you wonder how long you will be waiting for him to show up.

The dinner that you prepared for him was long cold. He requested a lot of yakiniku for today. It was your third year anniversary with the said man. There's an upcoming match tomorrow, so you know there will be no rest for him and his team.

Since he became the V.League Division 1 player, he rarely had time for you. But that didn't stop you from surprising him at practice, bringing a lot of food for the whole team. Sometimes they will tease him about having you as his wife. Yes, wife. 

He's such a child in the form of twenty-six years old guy, making them all wonder how someone as mature as you stuck with him. It's simple actually, because you love each other. Somehow you fall for his unique personality, and he fell for you because you actually want to know him, didn't even get annoyed with how he acted.

Even when they all knew that you are married to the ace, one of the members actually took a liking to you. Not just a mere flirt, and based on how the setter orbs see you, the whole team could understand that their teammates adore you, Bokuto Koutarou's wife. But you are loyal to your husband, and you have vowed that you will always be there with him forever.

The clinging of keys being turned waking you from your thought, you immediately stood and rushed to the door. By the time you see him taking off his shoes, all of your anger dissipated through thin air. There he was standing in all his glory, safe and sound with droplets of rain on his hair.

"I am sor-"

You jumped to him, didn't care about his wet clothes. His body goes rigid at your touch, not even relaxed a little, something that made you confused as your arms still wrapped around his figure.

"It's alright, Kou. It's alright to be late. The game is tomorrow after all." You were now standing in front of him, hands on his cheek to wiped away any trace of rain from his face, "As long as you came back to me safely, everything is alright for me."

Bokuto widened his eyes when he heard your words. It sounded sincere and full of love, he gulped down, not knowing what to say. Your hand glided down to help him took off his jacket, and he only stood there as you delicately ran your fingers on his strand of hair.

"You are really soaked," The worried tone on your voice was visible, "I will warm the dinner, you go take a warm shower, okay, baby?" You grabbed his jacket and shoes, going to put it in the laundry room to be cleaned after dinner. As you walked away, your eyebrows raised a little for the lack of footsteps.

You turned around and found your husband looking down at his bare feet. His fist clenched beside him, and there were tears dropped on the floor as he silently cried. Looking at the scene, you dropped everything on your hand and ran towards him.

As you stood in front of him, his body weakened and fell the ground. But before his figure could crash the wooden floor, you immediately became his pillow to fall and cradled him to your chest. He sobbed, hand clenching on your shirt.

"Baby, tell me what's wrong." You caressed his hair carefully, "Please, I want to help you, but I couldn't if you didn't tell me." From years knowing him since high school, you never saw him act like this, not even once. You knew his dejected and emo mode, but this is all new.

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