Saudade || Akaashi Keiji

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The early morning sunlight, soft and diffuse, gave a way to the first strong rays of the day, the ones that bring true warmth. Spring came to bring a new chapter of life, the epitome of rebirth after the freezing cold of snow buried all of the warmth that the world had offered.

Outside the window, the white blanket of snow started to melted away. The evergreens and cherry blossoms scented the air with their new growth. In rain or shine, there is a new warmth, inviting the lips to smile.

He stood there in front of the mirror in his hotel room, wearing a magnificent gray suit with a white flower adorning his breast pocket. Spring came to bring a new hope in life, the start of something new after weeks full of wintry days.

The man in the mirror was a man with a face that was sculpted by the god. His gunmetal blue eyes beautify his perfect facade, completed by a pair of black eyebrows on top of it.

He smiled all of a sudden, trying to make everyone believe that it was a genuine smile. And after practising the same smile for years, he knew that it was enough, his acting was already perfect.

The chirping of the birds could be heard from where he stood. He opened up the window pane before, making sure the new air from the first day of spring could flow inside the room.

It was an adequate decision, choosing this time of year to hold such a powerful event. He took a deep breath, soaking as much energy from the air that he could gather. He needed it, he needed the hope to overcome today.

His phone vibrates continuously, resounding around the serene room. With a little sigh, he opened up his phone. A gentle smile graced his facade, immediately replacing the once emotionless one. It was genuine, not the one that he practised in front of the mirror before.

"Hey," His voice was so delicate, like he talked to someone that could break if his intonation was higher, "Are you alright?"

"Argh, the truth?" The voice on the other line penetrated his hearing, "I am scared, I don't want to mess everything up, Kaashi." His name rolled from your tongue oh so smoothly.

"Hey, calm down. Take a deep breath, follow me." You were silent, synchronized your breath with the said man, "That's it, you've done so well." The gentle smile never left his lips, overjoyed with the fact that you called him, "Better now?"

"Yes, so much better." Somehow, the man could see how your face calmed down in a matter of seconds, "Thank you, Kaashi. I love you so much!"

His heart felt so lightweight when he heard the words. It made him feel at peace every time you said those words to him, like he was seated on the beach with ocean breeze, with you by his side.

"You are welcome, you know I am always there for you," He gulped as a daring thought wandering inside his mind for a split second, "And I love you too." Always.

He looked at his phone, your name still adorning the screen until you hung up. There was something in his eyes if someone took a closer look. It was a plea, pleading the world to make you the happiest person alive in this world.

But there was something else too, coating his gunmetal blue eyes as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone gallery. He stopped his motion when he finally found the picture that he was longing for.

It was a picture of him and you, someday on the high school days. There was a culture festival going on, and you were there spending time together with him, running away a little after working hard preparing the show for your class.

His love for you was something that no one could understand. It was rare, a highest form of love, the form where he didn't even think about his own feelings. What mattered was your love, and you found it in someone else.

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