Round and Round || Suna Rintarou

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Why the fuck I can't stop writing about this man.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Knock. Knock.

You check the clock, exactly 7 pm. At this hour, you know who will be standing in front of your house. After all, there is no one else that will come to your house every day. No one, no one except him.

Walking towards the door, you turn the doorknob, revealing your best friend for two years.

Such an angel.

With his hair that never looks dishevelled, sharp green eyes that follow your every move, he looks exactly like the teenage actor that people will scream at from how handsome his appearance is. No, not handsome, just—beauty.

Tilting his head to the side, he gives you a nod before making himself feel at home. You sigh, not complaining though because this is your routine since you are friend with him. He utters some excuse, eyes scanning the down floor in case your family are home.

But just like any other day, it's just you. No one else on sight except you.

He drops his bag to the floor as if he is inside his own house. There are no words being said, not even one word as he mindlessly stepping towards the kitchen, grabbing the mug with the colour similar to his orbs.

No matter how many times you want to give him snide remarks about how impolite he is, you just can't. Instead of parting your lips and blurt the sarcasm, you always go silent with how your eyes trail to his figure.

His movement is like water, flows gracefully and just. He gulps down the water down his throat, too forceful, making a stream of water to slip from his mouth. It slides on his skin so smoothly, and he doesn't even bother to wipe it as he continued to quench his thirst.

"You look hungry."

Hungry for you, yes. But as if you can say that out loud.

With a hand still holding the mug, his green eyes peer towards your figure, scrutinizing any contort of your face. You feel like prey every time he gives you such a look. As if he knows if you are saying the truth or when you are hiding something.

Instead of answering him with a sentence, you decide to keep your mouth shut and roll your eyes. At least acting like his existence is very much annoy you.

"Just go upstairs when you are done filling your energy."

You turn your body around and walk upstairs, leaving your best friend there. He doesn't get offended of course, not even surprise when you act like he is some kind of parasite. He is though, but he knows that he is your favourite parasite.

He shrugs it off, muttering under his breath some whine and complain about why you always treat him like that. You are close with the entire volleyball team at the point everyone has mad respect when it comes to you.

He wonders why you are so different towards him, why you are somehow always a little bit uptight, even when he lay his head on your lap every day. When you are around Atsumu or Osamu, you always look peaceful, and you talk a lot. But when he approaches you, you always change your behaviour.

Like you are holding back, something.

You currently lean your body on the bedframe, sitting on the carpeted floor while your eyes focus on the phone. You don't have to look up to know who just enter your room, but you know what you need to do though. Straightening your legs, you are ready to feel a weight on your lap any second from now.

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