Be Fine || Miya Osamu

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Pt. 2 of Fine Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

He never knew heartbreak.

For almost thirty years of his life, Miya Osamu never knew how it feels to have his heart shattered into a million little pieces.

Since he was sixteen, he had a lover that always took care of him. He had you, someone who devoted all of your life for him, even abandoning your own dream to make sure that you could always be there by his side in a matter of seconds.

There was no one as loyal as you, the woman who got a lot of people standing in line just to get some attention from. Osamu didn't have to be worried that someday you would leave him, he didn't have to ask who you were with for every few minutes. Because he knew damn well — that you would turn down everyone who showed you even a glimpse of interest.

So he kept coming back to the moment he knocked on your brother's apartment all those months ago. He kept replaying how his hand touched the brunette's cheek, how his lips captured the unfamiliar plump lips, how he got in bed with someone else that was not you.

What worse from that, was the fact he kept coming back to the same new routine.

He didn't particularly know when his feelings for you started to vanish into the thin air. There was just no spark anymore when he kissed you, no fiery flame that he usually felt when he pushed you to the bed and devoured you for the rest of the night. Something that used to fulfil his mind and soul satisfaction, became just a physical necessity.

The sound of vegetables being cut was the only thing that rang on his eardrum as he got lost in his mind all over again. Even though he was not alone, he knew better not to make a conversation with his company. His twins, Miya Atsumu.

Ever since he broke it off with you, his twin never stopped pestering him and guilt-tripped him for every chance that he could get. Right now, he even could feel how the brown orbs that belonged to the setter currently sending daggers at the back of his head.

"Don't you think you are rushing it?" Atsumu finally cut the silence. He actually never once wanted to intervene or poke his nose on his brother's life. "Didn't you just start to fuck Sunarin around ten months ago?" But this, this was something that he couldn't let go as it was.

Because it involved you, you and your very much fragile heart.

Osamu knew too well about how much the setter cared for you. Sometimes he would even think how much better you would be if you fell in love with the blonde instead of him. Atsumu was the one with immense passions, the successful volleyball's player that had the attention of the whole nation — even beyond.

Yet for all of those years that went by, he was the one who got your heart. And by any chance, he felt like he was winning, at least he was winning something in this life for having a woman that his twin once wanted to have too.

"It's none of your business."

He answered with such a curt voice, focusing on the meal that he prepared for his fiancé. Rintarou was away for a week, and he wanted to do something for the love of his life. Yeah, the love of his life. He kept telling himself that, about how if he didn't really love the brunette he would never cheat on you anyway, so he was pretty sure that his feelings right now were real.

Osamu realised how his relationship with the EJP Raijin's middle blocker would turn out. Too fast as they just want to reach the finish line, to secure a goal, a real win. Not even one thinking about how you felt as you can only zip your mouth while standing on the sideline.

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