To Love || Kita Shinsuke

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Pt. 2 of Don't Need Reason Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Your smile was the prettiest thing that he had ever seen in awhile, for it extended to your eyes and deep into your soul. It was filled with honesty, so pure that he couldn't wrap his mind around how someone could have a smile as beautiful as yours.

And when you cried, with tears cascading down your cheek and visible snot wanting to get out from your nostrils, even though your eyes were puffy and you looked like a mess without you even knowing — he still saw you as an angel.

He was this close to smacking Atsumu on the back of his head when he saw the setter make fun of you. Though when he just took one step forward, you already kicked the blonde on the ass with so much force, making his poor underclassmen topple to the ground.

There was just something about you that enchanted him, even before he knew your name. No one actually acknowledged him at first since he was not even on the main team. He never cared anyway since he never expected a lot from people. He just did what he thought was right — and one of them was to accompany a girl safely back home.

From waiting for you to lock the gymnasium, to walking with you every afternoon. From just a simple thought of chivalry, to something more foreign that he didn't even know at first. You slid into his life without him realising it, you were just suddenly there, becoming his new routine. One that was now his favourite.

Ojiro could see a little frown that was visible on his friend's facade, no matter how much the captain tried to act like everything was fine. Kita had his new jersey on his hand, orbs lingered at the road ahead with a mind filled with thought.

"Grown-ups like to say, the process is more important than the results." He spoke up, "Lotsa kids don't like to agree with that. But me? I am with the grown-ups." Ojiro just listened, wondering what was with the sudden speech.

Honestly, Kita felt so foreign with the emotions that he felt for the past year. Sometimes he caught himself smiling in the middle of doing chores, he would laugh a little when he was thinking of something funny. Being happy, it was something that he rarely felt.

Peaceful? Calm? Yes, but genuinely joyful that he wanted to just scream out how happy he was right now? It started to happen the moment he met you.

"My everyday actions are what makes me who I am. Results are just the side effects of what I do." And right now he couldn't help but think. "But, does this count on the result side of things?" He raised his jersey, gazing at the number printed right at the middle of the black fabric.

And then there was silence, both teenagers kept walking side to side. One second, two seconds —

"Bah! What do all the fussy details matter anyway?!" He jumped out when Ojiro suddenly screamed beside him. "Folks don't need reasons to feel the way they feel!" His pace stopped, listening to his friend. "If it makes you happy, then it makes you happy and that's fine!"

Kita stared at the taller man with wide eyes, blinking a few times as he processed the words to his mind. Then he smiled, and the smile turned into a laugh, ringing through the air as he didn't expect his friend to be so agitated with his speech. "Hey, what's so funny?"

He kept thinking about how volleyball actually became the source of his happiness. It brought a new routine to his life — practice, cleaning, taking care of himself even more. And from all of that, volleyball brought him to you.

"Good point."

He hummed after that, his heart felt so light since he finally accepted the feelings he got just the way it was. Ojiro kept stealing glances towards the new captain, a little bit surprised with how expressive he was today. "What do you think of love, Aran?"

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