Caim || Kita Shinsuke

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It was almost sunset when the clouds gave off their rain to the grass and trees, dropping down simultaneously and wet the crops in the backyards. It was the time when the road became alive with more splashes than the eyes could appreciate.

The two of you always enjoy the rain. Though, your husband didn't particularly love it that much since it was hard to work on the crops when the rain falls. Since most of the time, the rain was always accompanied with wind and storms.

But then you were always there, helping him on the fields in your free times. When it rained and the sight would be blurry, you would just hum a song and continue your work, never once complaining about how muddy your entire body was.

Rain held a lot of memories in your heart. It was raining when you first met him, there was even a storm when he told you that he loved you for the first time, and that particular time right after the rain, would be your favourite.

Though, the rain today only strengthened the melancholy atmosphere while you sat on the passenger's seat. Eyes focusing on the window on your side, didn't actually look at the moving sight as you were just staring into space.

You bit your lips, hands clenching into your own blouson as you could feel yourself trembling. There's no other sounds that could be heard beside the prickling rain on the window, not even one syllable was out from your lips.

Kita looked at his wife occasionally, letting out a single sigh when you didn't spare him a glance for the entire ride. He was always calm when it comes to everything that came in his life,

But seeing you right now, with a mind that he couldn't predict, was very much made him feel restless.

The car finally rolled down on the garace, rain still poured heavily when the car finally stopped. He wanted to say something to you, trying to reassure you that there's nothing you should be worried about.

Before he could say anything, you already opened up the door, getting out of the car as the freezing water paling your skin, leaving your husband's mouth agape inside the small space, trying to process what was happening by now.

He shook his head, awaking himself from his flabbergasted state. From all the time that he lived, his brain just wouldn't work right now. He needed to think of the way to calm you down, but nothing came out from his mind.

And for the first time in forever, Kita Shinsuke felt nervous.

No one would think that he would find someone in his life after all. It's not that no one was interested in him, but it was all about how everyone was not enough in his eyes.

There's no one that could level with his high standard. A perfect wife, someone who could cook like a chef, someone who would wake up early morning doing all the house chores, someone that he could spend time with talking about the mystery of the universe.

Then came you, someone who barged into his life with force, messing up all of his routine every second that he spent with you.

You were the epitome of sacrifices when you decided to love the man. All your life, you were just a normal girl that one day stumbled into his world. He never once gave you a glance before.

But the thought changes when he starts to realise that you did a lot just to make him take a look at you,

So when you were running away from him at this moment, his mind was blank, didn't know anymore how to face you in a state like this.

With one last sigh, he turned off the car, getting out without grabbing the umbrella on the back seat. After all, the umbrella wouldn't even save him from the wind that came with the rain.

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