Let The Storm In || Kita Shinsuke

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Part 1 of Storm Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Every time he woke up in the morning; one thing that he did was thank the universe. For life always threw a lot of good things every second he breathed in. Morning greetings from his grandmother, counting all the stuff to brought for school, serene breakfast filled with lovely atmosphere—

Every single day, nothing was amiss, nothing goes out of plan.

Because he knew things that he should embrace, and things that he should evade.

Once he was seated inside his classroom, he would never take his eyes off of the teacher. One hundred percent of his attention would be solely on either the lecture or any kind of information that was out from the adult. But he didn't know why he had to look outside the window today.

He saw you. You, the girl who was late on your first day of school. Your body slipped through the school gate that was almost closed by the security, and you ignored all the shouting in unison, assuming that you were not late since you could still go inside without begging the teacher to let you in.

Your hair was a mess, teeth clamping on the bread that would fall at any moment. You were an absolute mess, like a storm that barged through everything in your way. There was nothing about you that screamed good news.

First thing that passed his mind was the fact that he did not want to cross paths with you. The second he saw how chaotic you were, he took notes inside his heart to keep some distance, somehow knowing that once he knew you, his life would be filled with a whirlwind of events.

But then you looked up, eyes locked with him.

It was as if the time had stopped, either for you or for him. The petals from the cherry blossoms tree that fell out because of the wind made the ordinary circumstance feel so surreal.

That was until a pebble slipped below your shoes.

In a split second, your whole body was thrown forward. And he was there inside his classroom, eyes widened to see such a powerful looking girl had her face flat with the ground.


He couldn't look away, feeling his breath hitched when you didn't move an inch.

"Kita Shinsuke?"

He blinked, orbs focusing back to the classroom, his gaze greeted by everyone. Students and the teacher had their eyes on him, one of the members of Inarizaki VBC, someone that never made any odd behaviour on the record.

One of his eyebrows raised a little, wondering the reason behind the attention that he got right now—until he looked at himself.

He didn't even realise as he stood up from his chair the second you kissed the ground. It was as if his mind only focused on what happened outside, his body moved without control as the only thing in his mind was you.


He didn't answer the call from his teacher, making the entire class widen their eyes. Kita Shinsuke never ignored a teacher before, it was as if he was possessed as he darted his eyes to the school ground where you once were.

And he could feel how his shoulders had slumped the moment he knew you were not there anymore.


"Yes, sensei?"

"Are you alright?"

He swallowed a huge lump, eyes flickered between the school ground and the teacher. Strange, how someone could make such an impact. He just saw you for maybe ten seconds, he didn't even know your name.

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