Love Me || Sugawara Koushi

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You never wanted this at first, to be left behind, because somehow you bear his child without the two of you even know how. You didn't want this, you didn't want your life to be like this.

It was a curse to bear a child outside of marriage, because there's no vow in between that could hold the relationship to be kept intact.

But somehow, another man came to make the curse feel like a blessing.

A groan from beside you awoke the day dream that was currently twirling inside your head. You turned your head, finding him, the one who cured your broken heart with patience.

His soft grey hair looked unruly due to how he moved a lot in his sleep. You stared at him with adoration playing in your eyes, grateful to have him in your life.

You noted everything that you could find on his face, how his nose moved because itch, or how his birthmark mole under his left eye moved when he slowly opened up his eyes, revealing two orbs of hazel brown that looked straight towards yours.

"Good morning," Your voice was soft as you kept looking at him. A gentle smile emerged on his face, blessed to see you first thing in the morning, "You had a good sleep last night?"

He pulled you on his embrace, putting your head on the crook of his neck. Your hair tickled his nose, making him giggle as he tried to absorb the scent from your shampoo into his mind.

"I always have a good sleep," He answered matter of factly, "Thanks to you, (Y/n)." You giggled, happy to spend the five years with the man that you called your husband.

It was mysterious and unpredictable, to find someone that could make you open up your heart once again. Something that you thought was impossible after someone hurt you when you were so down.

The shift at the cafe you were working on was overdue. Your boss was being inconsiderate, saying that if someone leaves early, they wouldn't get their salary for the month.

Your eyes kept darting to the clock, worried if you couldn't pick up your son on time. At the time like this, your mind was jumbled up, and you really wished that you were not alone in this fight.

Your shift was finally done, and you didn't bother to clean yourself up or fix your hair as you ran to the elementary school near your house. It was late, your son should have been done with his school an hour ago.

You wished you made enough money to buy a phone for him. But no, you could barely pay your rent and buy groceries, imagine from where you could buy him a phone.

After running for almost twenty minutes, you finally saw the elementary school. It was so quiet now, of course almost everyone was already home.

Your eyes scanned the school ground and found your son playing a volleyball with someone that you didn't know. Knowing that he's not alone, your heart beat immediately calmed down.

It was a beautiful sight, to see your son smile as he kept bouncing the ball towards the unknown man. You were not worried that the man was dangerous, because from the look on your son's face, he really enjoyed spending time with the man.

"Chiharu?" You called out to your son, he caught the ball which bounced towards him and put it on the ground, running up to you and hug your legs at the process.

"Mommy!" He looked up at you, silently begging you to pick him up. Even though some children are already so stubborn and want to mature as fast as they want, your child is the opposite.

Your son never wants to miss any affection that he could get from you. He was spoiled, but at the same time, he was mature enough to think about what's good or bad in this world.

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