Gentle Affection || Sugawara Koushi

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You sighed for the hundred times today. Looking at the broken microwave, hoping that maybe it will work this time. Your boyfriend was out with his high school friends to watch a volleyball match between MSBY Black Jackals and Schweiden Adlers.

Remembering it, you never thought that someone as gentle as Sugawara Koushi used to play as a setter. But that one time you grabbed his hand on yours, the calloused hand makes you understood all of his hard work.

The first time you met the light grey-haired man was around a year ago. Your sister asked you to accompany her son to the school trip as you were done with college. You almost curse your life at that time. After all, you are really not that great when it comes to children. Your nephew is probably the only exception by the time.

Even though you love your nephew, you could not help but losing him at the school trip. In this case, you were the one who gets lost after going to the restroom for minutes. You frantically ran to found the group, mumbling to yourself like a maniac in the massive zoo. The sun already started to set when the group found you. Yes, your nephew was the one who panicked and actually asked his teacher to find you.

"Auntie!" You turned your head immediately when your nephew called out, "Where have you been?!" Sobbing, you got him to your arms and hugged him so tight that he almost couldn't breathe.

"I am so sorry, Kento!" Your nephew could only shake his head, "I am such a poor aunt."

"I am not surprised," He chuckled at your statement, "Thanks to my teacher that I didn't lose you, auntie. Though, you should be the one who said that, not me." You pouted but immediately put your gaze on the male behind him.

Your eyes widened a little as your voice stuck in your throat. To say that the man in front of you was beautiful is an understatement. His hazel eyes and soft grey hair completed his gentle look. You notice a little mole under his left eye, and it added a mature persona to his frame. He was oblivious to you checking him out, but your nephew notice this.

"If you want to flirt with my teacher, please do it when I am not here," Kento remarked in your arms, making you blush at the sudden outburst. You were going to scold him if his teacher didn't stop you by laughing at your interaction. Hearing that angelic laugh, you feel like someone just blessed your entire life.

"I am Sugawara Koushi, Kento's teacher." He bowed a little as his eyes fall to your flustered face.

"Huh? But you are so young!" You smacked your own lips with your hand, Kento could only let out an exasperated sigh, "N-not that it's a bad thing. But it's a compliment, I swear! I am just surprised!"

"Oh, it's alright." Sugawara chuckled at your awkward behaviour. How you get flustered so easily, and your wild rambling actually makes him hooked to know more about you. Kento looked at the two adults and decided to get down from your embrace. He pulled your right hand, and Sugawara left hand,

"Auntie, if you didn't get Sugawara-sensei number when we get home, I am going to tell mom that you get lost!" You could imagine how it will be a lifetime embarrassing story, but at the same time, you sneak a glance to your nephew's teacher. He chuckled at Kento's words and scolded him gently that it's not good to threaten people.

"(Y/n), I am home." Sugawara's voice woke you from your daydreaming, he walked towards the kitchen to found you glaring at the microwave, "Is it broken again, dear?" A loud sigh from your lips was enough for him. He immediately walked towards you and embraced your figure in his arms, kissing you at the back of your head, "I told you to throw it away and buy a new one."

"But it still worked yesterday," You pouted and leaned your body to his chest, "Enough about this, I will just cook something else." You turned your body to face him, circling your arms around his neck, "How's today? You having fun?" His lips immediately formed a broad smile, his eyes twinkling with the memories from today.

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