Divided Heart || Nishinoya Yuu

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Breeze, ocean breeze always took his breath away somehow. The waves that glides his ship to explore the ocean, the scent of salt attacking his notrils, it always feels like an endless adventure for him. It brought him so far away from home, so far away to someone that he loves so much.

He didn't know at first what he needed to do after graduation. But somehow here he was, in the middle of the ocean. He was in a place where no one expected him to be. His friends thought that maybe he will stay in Japan, maybe continue college and play volleyball as a libero, something that he loves so much.

It was his first dream, to stay in Japan and become a professional volleyball player as a libero. But his dream consists of you there, cheering him on as he receives and saves the ball for his team.

So when you were no longer there in his life, it just felt so wrong to do the same.

You should have known from the start that it's not going to be easy to have him as your boyfriend. He was a hell on wheels; energetic, impulsive, temperamental, and the other traits that made him so unpredictable. But no matter how many warnings that you got from your friends, you still want to be with him, accepting his confession without a second doubt.

But now as you stood on the sideline, you didn't know what to do anymore.

Your eyes bore to the sight in front of you, looking at your boyfriend who was now talking to the beautiful third year manager. It brought you a striking pain in your heart everytime you saw the look on his face as he talked to her.

It was beautiful at first, the start of your relationship. You are one of the student council and you saw him beaten up at one of the classrooms one afternoon at your first year. You know he's bad news, and you should put a lot of distance with him. But he looked so vulnerable with a cut on his face. So you did what everyone always told you not to, creating a wonderful friendship with the said libero, that was now blooming to be a strong relationship.

But now as you walk with him on the sidewalk, you don't know if it is still strong or not.

You didn't particularly know when you started to develop something for the troublemaker. Maybe it was the way he thanked you and brought you to an ice cream parlour the next day after your first meeting, or maybe because he looks so calm and composed on the match, even maybe just because he's being himself.

Nishinoya Yuu was like a sun to your ordinary days in high school, brightening your day since he barged into your life. But then you couldn't help the aching in your heart every time you saw his gaze towards their manager, Shimizu Kiyoko. Ever since he's back to be a libero again, his adoration towards her immensely multiplied.

It was like all of those months that you spent together was just a mere fantasy. You were walking behind him, looking at his back. Somehow you always admire how his figure shoned by the sun as you two walk together after school. But usually, he will grab your hand after a minute, or maybe just whined at you about school. Though, you never saw him like that for these past few months now.

You started noting the changes from him. He usually the one who initiates physical contact, but now he always flinched everytime your hand grazed him. He usually pampers you with kisses after practice, but now he will try to grab his manager's attention until Sawamura scolds him.

You bit your lips as you heard him ramble in front of you. He was rambling about the most beautiful woman. How you wish it was your name who kept rolling from his lips, how you wish it was you who he always tried to grab the attention of. But it was never you, at least not anymore.

"You know you are so gorgeous right?"

"How could someone as kind as you exist?"

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