With Bond || Miya Atsumu

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"I don't want to live anymore..!"

It had been the most torturous forty minutes of your life.

"I didn't get the number that I wanted, they messed it up!"

He whined, and whined, and whined.

"What did I do in my past life to be treated like this?"

And there you were anyway, listening to every word that spilled from his lips as you sat across from him. By breathing in the steam from the cup of coffee in your hand, at least the circumstance became a little bit—bearable, to say the least.

"Atsumu, dear, I love you. But my ears are going to bleed if you whined just one more time." To the world he was that one person who never once looked like a clown. Perfect hair, pretty face, megawatt smile, picturesque man that every woman wanted to have and every male population wanted to be, "Have you talked to the club about this?"

"Ngh, no?" How in the world did I agree to be his girlfriend in the first place. You let out a sigh and put down the cup of coffee on the kitchen counter, "There's nothing I could do once I got the jersey number, (Y/n). It's not Jackals anymore, it's a goddamn national!"

He had been so giddy ever since he became one of the setters to the Japan National team. It was great with how he didn't feel butthurt for becoming the benchwarmer (Though he would grumble under his breath every time Kageyama popped on the television screen).

Ever since he confirmed his jersey number with the association, he always spent his time sitting on the terrace. Hoping that his jersey would appear miraculously in a matter of second.

Today, he finally got it. And when you heard him scream (Wailing to be exact) on the outside, you knew for sure that something wasn't right.

"It's not his number, (Y/n)..." His nosy whining was now died down, replaced with a sad baby phase, "How can I face Samu, now? I don't want him to think that I forget about him!"

It was incredible actually—how he always thought about his brother. As much as he told the whole world how he wished he was born without a carbon copy of himself, deep down, he loved his brother with all of his heart.

"Isn't it supposed to be a surprise?" You stood up and walked towards your boyfriend, "He didn't know, right? That you were going to use his High School number?"

"He didn't know..." He huffed and grabbed your hand when you were finally near, "I am sad..." You could only chuckle at this, "The match is next week. It's sad enough that he couldn't watch it in the stadium, and now this..."

You knew how important the game would be for him. He had been running in the same direction since childhood. And even though he lost someone in the middle of his journey, he still continued the dream.

"Hey, now." You pulled him towards you, resting his head on your chest while your fingers roamed in the strands of his hair, "How about we take a break? Maybe a date? Let's just get your mind off—things."

He looked up at you, golden brown orbs gazing at your face with admiration as if you just declared him as the best setter in the world (He was indeed the best setter for you, but you were not in the mood to meet his cocky self).

"Ooohh, where will we go?" You chuckled softly from how excited he sounded just now. Your fingers stroking on his now better coloured hair—unlike his high school one—setting the fringe up.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out, Atsumu."

He was so so eager, looking so innocent as he buried his face on your chest once again. Not knowing what laid for him in the future.

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