Lost to Doubt || Miya Atsumu

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Pt. 2 of Lost Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

You found someone that you loved in the first year of high school. He was the definition of a perfect gentleman; he opened up the door for you, he picked you up every day to go to school, he held your hand at the crossover. He was perfect, but perfect for the world doesn't mean he would be perfect for you.

Your eyes darted to the gold necklace on your drawer. It was a symbol that reminded you of him, the one who broke your heart into pieces. Since he bought you that, you never took it off. Until that day when he decided to pour the hurtful truth right in front of your face.

It's frightening you how someone could make a big impact in your life. Maybe because he's your first love, maybe because you trust him so much, maybe because you're too hopeful in time. You thought he would be yours forever, but forever is a sneaky thing.

"(Y/n)?" You looked up to find your sibling on the doorway, "Miya-san's here." Just the mention of his name brings a turmoil in your heart already, and your sibling noticed that, "I will just tell him to leave." You looked at the clock, it was so late at night, and you didn't want to meet him when you were so drained.

You were not ready to face him even though it was already two weeks after that particular event. You haven't come to any of his practices, no longer taking care of him with a towel and food, not even once trying to contact him.

Then again, Miya Atsumu never called you for those two weeks. He didn't bother to apologize or redeem himself for what he had done. You will crawl back to him just like when the two of you have a fight before. He was so sure about it, knowing how much you love him.

That's what he thought, since he knew you well.

There's nothing else that you want in this life than a love that would last forever. You were hoping that maybe you wouldn't have felt the heartache along the way, alas, Atsumu was right by labelling you as a naive girl. All you wanted was a good guy, but maybe your expectation was too high by loving the prideful setter.

"Hey, sis." Your siblings came to your room once again with a paper bag in hand, "He wanted me to give you this." You were confused as you took the paper bag from their hand,

"Thank you, I will open it." They gave you a small hug before leaving you alone in your room. Once they closed the door, you opened the paper bag, and the content surprised you. It was a perfectly wrapped onigiri, you blinked and took it from the bag.

You were hesitant to taste it, but then, maybe he just wanted to apologize by making you one of your favourite foods. Slowly, you bit the onigiri in your hand. The taste somehow brought tears into your eyes. It tasted so familiar and warm even though it was already cold.

Remembering the three of you cooking together and creating havoc at the kitchen, you wonder would you ever make a memory like that ever again, knowing for sure you couldn't face one of the twins.

You found a note at the bottom of the paper bag. With a steadfast move, you grabbed it, in hoping to see a familiar handwriting. You stop eating the onigiri once you see the letters. It's not messy and curly like how your boyfriend writes.

The letters were neat and a little bit straighter. Tears were already dropping on the letter in your hand, knowing for sure now that it's not your boyfriend. But you continue eating the onigiri vigorously. It tasted so good that it almost made you forget how hurtful your condition right now.

"I am sorry for what he did. I miss you."

It's just simple words, but somehow when you knew it's not belong to your boyfriend, you just wanted to cry. Why does someone else miss you and not him? What possibly does your boyfriend think about you right now? How could someone care for your wellbeing so much that even your boyfriend couldn't compare?

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