Never Fine || Miya Osamu

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Epilogue of Fine Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

You looked radiant, under the bright blue sky as the sun peeked in between the leaves. The smile that adorned your face was one that could make him feel so complete. As if by just having you smile at him, he knew he could take on everything that this world threw in his direction.

"Samu, why did you look so sad?" Your fingers grazed the back of his hand, so delicate. "Something bothering you, love?" Your sharp orbs eyed him with concern. And those looks always made him feel so vulnerable.

It never changed — how your eyes glimmered every time it fell on his figure. The way those warm pupils fell on his face was nothing but warm. Even before he dared to ask you out, even before he slid an engagement ring on your finger, and even after he captured lips that belonged to someone else,

You always had the same loving, gentle gaze.

"It hurts." He choked out, one hand gripping on the bouquet of your favourite flower. "To see you go, it hurts, (Y/n)." His eyes bore into yours, and the way you didn't even look at him with rage like everyone else, was the thing that finally broke him into million little pieces.

"But, Samu." You called out, pulling your hand away that was touching his skin before, making him feel the cold air of December since he left his gloves at home. Your eyes were still the same as it was before, but there was something else lingering there. "You hurt me first."

It was so unreal, to hear your voice whisper in his ear. You felt so close to him as the two of you met each other's eyes. He could hear your words at the back of his mind, and he could feel your touch that always secured his for the last ten years of his life.

Your existence stayed in every fibre of his body, never once left even after he tried to leave you for good. And now, now when you were the one who said the last goodbye — he really wished that he could see you for one last time.

Not just in the framed photograph that would be withered by time.


Everyone immediately turned their head in his direction as he dropped the glass of champagne to the ground. One second he was bantering with some old friends, spreading happiness as his lips curled into a smile — and the other second he felt like someone just knocked the air out of his lungs, making his grip on the glass become loose.

The venue was so packed, and the way he could feel dozens of eyes staring at him made the suffocating feelings intensify. His pupils darted to the left and right as he needed to get away from there. He wanted to reach out for his twin brother, he needed the blonde to be there with him.

But the palm that touched his back right now, was so unfamiliar.

"What?!" He shouted and turned his head, meeting a pair of green orbs that had a glimpse of shock inside it. Osamu swallowed a huge lump when he realised he just raised his voice at someone that he was supposed to spend his life with. "S-Sorry, Rin."

The brunette let out a sigh, because he knew that his life thereafter would never be easy. The two of them knew anyway that no matter how much in love they were for each other, no matter how many years went by — the thought of you would always be there, haunting every step that they took.

"If you need some space, the balcony near our parent's table is empty."

His words were enough as Osamu immediately had his face facing the ground, ignoring all the questionable gazes that were being thrown towards him and strode towards the said place.

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