Warm Up || Yaku Morisuke

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I came back with a motherfucking smut. Like boi I am so whipped for this guy, man... His timeskip is just nkfjdsbafdjikafdsilnjfdskfads okay, proceed...




"Yo, Mori~ Someone is looking for you~!"

His eyes twitched at the voice of the blonde setter, his grip on the volleyball hardening from annoyance. Somehow, the setter always got on his nerves. He didn't know how someone could be that infuriating. And sadly, he had to endure it for some period of time. At least until he won the match today.

Yaku Morisuke loved to play in the National Team, representing Japan with a bunch of monster players alongside him. But one thing he knew for sure once he acquainted with all of his new teammates, was how he wanted to choke the setter with eleven as his number.

With one swift move, the libero decided to throw the volleyball on the setter's direction, hitting him right on his forehead,

"Shut your fucking mouth and leave me a-"

"My, my, you are as lovely as ever, Mori~"

But another voice that he was really familiar with made his whole body go rigid. He turned towards the source of the voice, and volleyball be damned as his eyes fell on your figure. You stood there on the bleachers with a red dress wrapped around your body, complimenting your figure that made everyone on your radius drool by just the sight of you.

A smirk tugged on his lips as some of his teammates stopped what they had been doing so they could take another look at you.

Yeah, guys, look how much you want to. He walked towards the gorgeous woman that he proudly called as his wife, your eyes focused solely on him like both of you were the only people in the room. Because watching her is the only thing that all of you could do.

"My man~" You immediately circled both your arms around his neck once he stood in front of you, pulling him closer to the point that you could even feel his breath tickling your skin, "You always look so hot all sweaty like this, you know that?"

He groaned a little at your hushed whisper, one hand gripped on your waist subconsciously. It was only a few hours before the game, and yet here you were anyway, provoking him with your expensive perfume that seems a little bit more intoxicating than usual.

"What do you want to achieve here, (Y/n)?" His voice was low as he gazed at you with a hint of lust started to fill his eyes. You blow some raspberry at his question. He was your husband, of course he knew you like the back of his hand. You giggled coquettishly as you casually grind on his body, making him jolt in an instant.

"You know me, Mori..." Batting your eyelashes on him, your hand crept slowly into his hair, caressing it gently, "I want to give some good luck kiss for my one and only~" You grazed your lips softly, wanting to tease him more until his break point, "And maybe," You lowered your voice as your hand tugged on his hair, "I could help you warm up before the match...?"

He shook his head at your misconduct, another hand went down towards your ass, squeezing it roughly to let you know what's inside his mind. A gasp left your lips as your eyes darted on his teammates. You chuckled a little when you noticed how some of them stole some glances towards you and your husband.

Yaku could recognise the glint of mischief in your eyes, chuckling because he knew you always love the attention from people. He couldn't blame you though, you were so gorgeous that sometimes he even wondered how a woman like you fell to his arms. Then again from all the pair of eyes that ever fall on you, you just love his attention a whole lot better than anyone else.

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