The One || Miya Osamu

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Pt. 1 of Epiphany Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"You sure quitting volleyball? Are you really, really sure?"

The setter laid on his bed, amber irises staring at the wooden bed on top of him where his twin brother slept every night. Osamu let out a long sigh when he heard the same question over and over again. He was tired, to hear his older brother pestering him about what he would do after graduation.

It was like a routine, the same question that he needed to answer every single night.

"I am sure, Tsumu." And right now, the setter was the one who let out a long sigh. "You know it always shone brighter with you around." The statement always caught the golden yellow haired man off guard. "I love volleyball, I am not going to lie about that."

"Then what stopped you from continuing it?" Atsumu rolled down from his bed and stood up, peeking to where his twin brother laid, putting both of his arms on the upper bed. "I thought we would do this forever. The Miya Twins! Imagine the hype!"

He was pouting by now, thinking that maybe he could change the mind of his younger brother.

"No," The grey haired man looked to the side where his twin brother popped his head, "Even now, history has its eyes on you, Tsumu." He decided to sit, staring at his palm mindlessly. "It's always you, the one who shone at the court. I am just a bonus."

"That's not true!"

"Face it, Atsumu." Osamu's voice was stern, a faint smile appeared on his face. "I don't want to be the shadow, I need to make my own name." He flicked his twin brother's forehead. "It's not through volleyball, I know that. I am pretty sure you know that too. " His twin winched and rubbed the place where he got flicked. "And I have something in mind already..."

Atsumu looked at the silver-haired man, he could see how his twin brother's eyes twinkled with excitement over something that was now predominating his mind. It was the same twinkle that everyone could find in his amber eyes when he played volleyball. And not going to lie, he felt relieved.

Because now, he knew that his twin would fight on the right path.

"Mhm, have someone in mind to share your future with?" Atsumu's teasing voice made the silver-haired man flinched, nudging at the particular spot inside his twin's heart. "It was more beautiful if you have someone by your side, you know~"

"I have you." Deep down, the wing spiker knew who was the figure that his twin implied, but he didn't want to fall for the trick. "Why would I want someone to struggle with me? My path wouldn't be easy."

Atsumu let out a long sigh, knowing for sure how stubborn his twin could be. The younger man (by a minute) was his carbon copy after all, the setter knew everything about him like the back of his hand.

"More reason to make sure if she's the one, right?" Osamu jolted by the rhetorical question that the setter threw at him.

Someone was indeed always by his side. The one person who stick with him not because he was the twin brother of Miya Atsumu, the one person who cared for him, the one person that always prioritized his needs even over themselves.

The one person that loved him, you.

"I don't even love her in that way." Lies, "Just, go back to sleep, Tsumu." I don't want to think about it. "It's not important." But she is indeed important.

Atsumu knew when to push his twin brother and when he should let it go. He knew that the relationship between you and the wing spiker was far from platonic, but somehow, his twin brother always lied about his own feelings.

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