Fluffy Comfort || Kozume Kenma

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Afternoon around 5 pm, you would always barge through the door without warning. Your poor boyfriend usually jolted when he heard the door slammed to the wall, but he would relax immediately because he knew it's just you.

It was like a routine for the two of you. Everyday, he always tries to finish the game that he just got, and you will just lay there in his embrace, trying to absorb his body heat as much as you can.

When you first started dating, it took two whole months for you to change his mind about physical contact. But step by step, you gave comfort every time you touched him, and by now, he was already addicted to it.

He was so used to hearing the door slammed open as you would follow suit and kissed the crown of his head before plopping down on his figure.

So he knew something was up when you opened the door like a normal person.

He even put his console down when he saw you, arms immediately stretched to the side as he let your body fall to his warm embrace. Your head snuggled to the crook of his neck without warning.

The setter was ticklish, but he didn't really mind if it's you that made contact with his skin.

If someone said that the pudding-head boy was an affectionate person, they wouldn't believe it and just laugh. But here you were right now, falling to your safe haven that you found in someone named Kozume Kenma.

He knew something was up by just the changed action that you put today, and one look at your face was enough to convince him that something happened.

Kenma rarely asked about your day, because he knew you would ramble about it when you were already comfortable. So right now, there's nothing he could do except warm you in his embrace.

"I barely passed my exam today," Your voice was so low that it almost sounded like a whisper, "I went home and showed my parents about the score," Somehow, he knew the scenario that happened, "I just... Want some reassurance, Kenma. But they-"

You sobbed as you blurted out the words. He knew too well how your parents think about school grades and such, and so he could predict what actually happened when you informed your parents about the exam score.

He's not good with words, he couldn't quite grasp the idea of comforting someone with words. So the only thing that he could do was just being there for you, accompanying you as you cry your heart out.

His finger would slowly crept to your hair, stroking it gently without so much force that it became a comforting motion. You just stay there for minutes, silently begging your boyfriend to be the one who reassures you.

The two of you didn't even realise that the sky was dark already, not until he heard how your stomach grumbled all of a sudden.

Dark blush immediately appeared on your face, and you tightened your hug around him, hiding your face as you felt so embarrassed in front of your boyfriend.

"That's... Really anticlimactic," You mumbled, and Kenma just let out a small laugh that you almost couldn't hear, "But yeah, I am hungry..." He smiled at your bluntness,

Slowly, he entangled himself from the embrace, standing up first before extending his hand to help you up. You blinked at this, confused about his sudden movement.

But knowing your boyfriend, he must have something up to his sleeve. He walked to his closet, grabbing two jackets before wearing one of them. You just stood there, waiting for him to say anything.

Then he walked up to you with the jacket in hand, "Raise your arm a little," His face was vacant as he said it, but his voice sounded so calm. You comply with his request, and he helped you slide the sleeve on your arms.

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