Lost to Pride || Miya Atsumu

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Pt. 1 of Lost Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Gymnasium already felt like your second home by now, no matter where it is. It was energetic and majestic, being here just made you feel alive. But here, you have another job to do rather than just enjoying your school volleyball's team playing on the court.

The roar of Miya Atsumu's fans always made you feel tired. It's not that you were jealous of how one person could be loved by a lot of people, but it was the fact that you need to make them quiet down when Atsumu's serve, or else, it will be their own nightmare.

"Hey, I am sorry," You called out to some of them who had been cheering non-stop. Atsumu was going to serve since he's already walking to take his formation. But those girls just won't quiet down, "Please silence."

They finally turned to look at you, jolted when they could sense the immense aura radiating from your body. It was scary even though you were smiling to them with your eyes closed, looking like an innocent girl, but nothing scream innocent from how deadly you look now,

"Now, don't make a sound when Tsumu does his serve, okay?" You patted their shoulders with the same unreadable smile, "If you still do that, well," Your eyes opened to see them, sending an intense glare, "I wouldn't let you set foot in Inarizaki stands ever again."

They nodded stiffly and only focused on the court, now without emitting a single sound from their lips. You could calm down and enjoy their match now, without being afraid one of the fangirls ruined his moment.

"S-She's terrifying."

"I know right? Who is she?"

"What?! You don't know her?"

"She's Atsumu's girlfriend!"

"Damn, she's really in the same league."

Just like your boyfriend, you were well known outside of your school. You have been best friends with the twins since junior high, and somehow, you become their guardian angel and the ultimate weapon to set them apart if their bickering became too much.

"You know? I think I never want you to be out of my life," It was so sudden, the three of you were just walking home together after practise, "What do you think about me, (Y/n)?"

"Huh?" You were confused with the questions, "Hmm.. Since you asked, then. You are annoying, sarcastic, stubborn-"

"Hey hey hey! That's not what I wanted to hear from you!"

"Lying prick, scoundrel-" Atsumu clamped your mouth with his palm. You were surprised by it and gave him a glare, resulting in him to stick out his tongue at you playfully. So you decided to do the same and lick his palm even though you were grossed out by it.

"Ew, what the fuck!" He groaned and wiped his palm to your uniform, "Why are you so mean to me?! You never do this to Samu!"

"Well, because Samu never pulled something like that on me. Right, Samu?" The other twin nodded and kept eating the onigiri that you made for him, "You regret saying you want me in your life forever, now?" You chuckled and hit Atsumu's arm with a lazy force,

"No," The answer caught you off guard, "I meant it, (Y/n)." It's not the words that made you shocked, but it's how his voice turned serious immediately, "Samu, go ahead. I want to talk to her."

Osamu stopped his eating and looked concerned for a split second. But then he just nodded and walked first. His eyes scanned your face for a while. When he didn't find any uncomfortable expression, he decided to leave you there with his twin brother.

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