Made a Way || Bokuto Koutarou

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"Hey! Hey! Heyyy!!" Wide grin emerged at his face, satisfied with how the opponent couldn't even touch his spike, "(Y/n)! I am awe-" But the smile was gone when he turned to look at the sideline, the place where you usually stood.

His energetic self dissipated immediately as he was ready to sulk at any moment. The black haired setter noticed this behaviour and panicked inside. He usually had something to say, knowing what exactly could boost the ace.

But when it comes to you, the setter couldn't do anything.

You are always there, on every practise he had, and on every match that they fought. Even if that means you will be travelling around, you would never mind.

Because Bokuto Koutarou is your guardian angel, and the only way you could repay him was through your non-stop support.

But lately, you were never there anymore for him. And the thought that you were tired of his antics seeped into his mind every time he wandered about your disappearance.

He was done with the practise today. Right now, he was giddy because he couldn't wait to see you. You texted him before that you would be busy with studying for the next exam, but he just couldn't resist to give you a surprise.

"You looked happy, Bokuto-san." A gentle voice that belonged to his best friend knocked him up from his thought, "Are you thinking about one particular girl?"

Akaashi knew you well, and he always saw you as an older sister that he never had. You helped him with some subject that he couldn't nail, reminded him to rest, overall, you were a great person.

So imagined his shock when someone as mature as you were dating the most chaotic person in the whole school. It surprised him more when you told him that you have been in a relationship with the ace for almost three years now.

You were the polar opposite of your boyfriend. If he loves attention and likes to show off, you didn't particularly enjoy it.

It's not that you hate to befriend everyone, you just didn't like to be the center of attention. That's why you told the ace to restrain his urge to kiss you every time he saw you.

"I mean, who else?" His voice was cheeky, "I am worried that she's sick or something, Akaashi." He pouted all of a sudden, kicking some pebbles on his way.

"It's been a week since the last time I saw her," The setter was worried about your wellbeing too, "How is she, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto twisted his brain, trying to remember all the little details of you that was floating in his mind.

"She doesn't talk much now, and she always declines every time I ask her to eat lunch together," The setter was now frustrated, he didn't like it at all if you were distant all of a sudden.

"Don't you go to her house every day?" Bokuto nodded at the question, "How is she at home?"

"Well, she eats well! Not as much as she usually did, but she still ate," But then, a frown lingered on his face as he remembered something, "At least, that's what she said to me."

Akaashi could sense the meaning behind the words that his upperclassmen spoke. Uncertainty and doubt twirling in the golden orbs as he kept looking down at the ground.

"I think she hate me now," The black haired setter jerked when he heard the words, "She flinched every time I am near her, she always put some distance every time I am at her house, she didn't even look at me in the eye anymore, Akaashi."

The setter was now panicked when he saw the glossy orbs of his best friend,

"Hey, I am sure (L/n)-san was just stressed." He tried to make sure that the ace didn't go through his dejected mode before arriving at your house, "Come on, Bokuto-san. You wouldn't want to meet her like this, right?"

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