To Stay || Kita Shinsuke

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Pt. 1 of Don't Need Reason Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

You looked stressed, hair sticking out here and there since you didn't bother to comb it. Your finger jotted down all the information that you needed to give to the coach, strands of hair blinding your vision, but you keep writing, on and on.

The new jersey came today, and you had to make sure that everyone would get their right size. You wanted everything to be perfect. After all, today someone will be appointed to be the new captain — and as a manager, you got the inside information about who.

Kita Shinsuke, the now third-year student of Inarizaki High School. He had this unique hair colour, smoky grey dominating the entire strands, yet black was there on the tip. Sometimes you wanted to touch it, having a feeling that it must be so soft, knowing that he must take care of his well being thoroughly.

He was always so blunt, but not in a rude way that you wanted to punch him, but more like a refreshing one since anything he said was just and facts. Sure some of it jabbed your heart, especially when he commented about how messy you looked most of the time. But you twist it into something else.

Maybe he cared for you, maybe. It wouldn't hurt to daydream a little, right?

"(L/n)." Your nape hair stood in an instant, knowing for sure who the voice belonged to. You immediately hid the paper in your hand, folding it before turning your head to someone who just called your name. "Are you alright?"

He raised one of his eyebrows, brown irises piercing right into your soul, as if he already knew the answer of your state right now. Your whole body went rigid, dark circles (that were always there) accompanied your eyes, and your hair was a lot more chaotic than usual.

"I am fine, Kita-san." But you brushed it off, just like all the time in the past he addressed you about your state. "Do you need anything?"

"Coach said that he waited for the data." You flinched, does he know? Your mind wandered around and subconsciously nodded to the future captain of Inarizaki Volleyball Club. "That's it, you can continue what you are doing just now."

"Alright, Kita-san. Thank you."

You bowed a little, respecting your upperclassmen. He responded by giving you a curt nod, a sign for you to get back to your task and you needed to be fast. If Kita was already here, then that means the others would come around probably five to fifteen minutes from now.

"Oh, and (L/n)?" He called out to you once again, making you sigh because you just grabbed your pen and ready to. You shook off your slight irritation, turning your head on him.


"Make sure you got a proper rest after today's practice."

It was the only thing he said before walked away from you to the locker room, leaving you there dumbfounded with a stupid, giddy look displayed all over your face.

You bit your lips to prevent yourself from squealing and bang your head on the wall as you wanted to focus back on what you needed to get done. But with his words dancing inside your mind, you couldn't think about anything else.

His presence lingered around you, never once wanted to leave. It stayed there like a shadow, following you around even though he was not there to begin with.

Ever since you met the stoic player of Inarizaki, you didn't expect him to slither easily into your heart. You thought that you would fall for someone crazy like your classmate, Miya Atsumu. But no, you were head over heels with the short (compared to anyone else) wing spiker.

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