Lost to Him || Miya Atsumu

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Pt. 3 of Lost Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"This is the longest time the two of you didn't talk to each other," The Miya's mother cut the silence on the dinner table one particular day, "You guys better settle this problem, fast. I don't know what it is about, but I don't like seeing my sons like this." She gracefully dab her lips before standing up from the table, finished with her dinner.

It was silence, just like these past few weeks. Yes, it's been five weeks since Miya Atsumu broke up with you through text. And the twins wouldn't talk to each other if it's not necessary. Osamu was enraged, remembering how your body flushed in the cold snows that day.

"You are stupid." That's the only thing he said before standing up, following his mother to clean his plate. Atsumu let out a long sigh before banging his forehead on the dinner table, contemplating his decision one more time, the decision that will haunt him forever.

Volleyball practice was never the same these last two months without you being there. You were usually there to bring the whole team some onigiri, stopping him when he's too absorbed with practice, cheering him on when he does a service ace, it's all just silence now.

"Hey, Samu." The setter called out to his twin who was now laying in their bed, "Where were you going just now?" After the confession about how the wing spiker loves you, he just went to somewhere and came back around half an hour after.

"That's none of your business," Osamu's voice was full of anger, he couldn't believe that his twin just kissed someone else. Someone else that's not you.

The two of them just lay on their own bed, both couldn't sleep because their minds were filled with a certain girl. The setter was thinking about his girlfriend, someone that he took for granted. The wing spiker was thinking about someone that he loves, but couldn't have because she was taken.

They were thinking about you, the one girl who owned both of their hearts.

"D-Do you really love her?" Atsumu voiced what has been lingering inside his mind. He never stuttered before, but right now, he was just too afraid all of a sudden. Osamu blinked, noticing how his twin spoke differently.

"I do." The setter bit his lips by hearing those two words. Two simple words but it got him insane immediately. Atsumu may not look like it, but he loves his twin brother so much. The fact that they were in love with the same person was the biggest obstacle in his life, "Why?"

Why indeed. The question caught him off guard. He didn't particularly know why his heart acted like it would stop at any moment. Maybe because right now, he was in the middle of letting the two of his most precious people in the world for being together.

"Since when?" He cleared his throat, trying to dig as much information as he could. It scared him now, knowing someone else loving you. He never bothered if it's just some random guy, he wouldn't even bother if it's the best setter in the world.

But it was his twin brother, someone who breathed the first air together with him at the same time.

"Since the first time we cooked together," Atsumu almost choked by the answer. He was lost when it came to who was the one loving you longer. The first time they made the plan, they were still in the second term of their first year of junior high.

Five years, Miya Osamu has been in love with you for five years and his twin brother didn't even notice it.

How hurt it would be for the grey haired boy to see him barge into the door that day after his first kiss with you and shouting, "I couldn't believe she agreed to be my girlfriend."

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