Balter || Tendou Satori

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The room was dark, the only light that shone through the entire room was the dim light from the laptop screen. You type away at a speed of lightning, but you tried to keep the sound to be as minimal as ever.

There laying in the bed with his mouth hanging open, was your husband. The two of you were workaholics, but you were way too mad since you never take a break.

Meanwhile, he was good with his time management. And sometimes, you were envious about it with how well he could manage his daily life.

You were not always like this though, you were not someone who would type away in the middle of the night, trying to finish all of the report even before the due date.

But it was all changed when your boss promoted you to be the director of administrations. Something stirred in your mind since that day. You felt like you needed to do everything right, all of your work needed to be done perfectly.

It was always like this now, going round and round in circles. Every week, you would always go to the office early and go home late, a habit that started to develop around three months ago.

Your husband notice this, notice how you always conceal the bag under your eyes. So he pulled you to the bed early today, forcing you to cuddle and sleep with him.

But when he already drifted off to sleep, you just can't do the same.

So you untangled yourself slowly, looking at your red headed husband who still stuck in the dreamland. You were feeling bad from it, but you know you couldn't possibly sleep if you still had work to do.

And here you were right now, typing away all of the work. You simultaneously glanced towards the bed, making sure that your husband was still asleep.

Tendou never liked how you always did everything non stop. You rarely eat lunch if he didn't call you at the office, he rarely saw your figure even at home, he rarely got any affection from you,

And he started to get tired of it.

It was cold tonight since snow already started to fall down from the sky. Even when the heater was on and he used a pile of blankets, he just felt like something was not right.

The cold may be the one who woke him up from his slumber. But the fact that he didn't feel the warmth from your body anymore, was the reason why he decided to stay awake.

He sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes groggily before yawning. His hair was down, cascading perfectly as it fell to his face. You were not there beside him, and he started to get upset by this constant event.

His eyes bore to your figure, letting out a long sigh when he realised what you are doing. The moonlight that was peeking through the curtains notified him that it was still late.

Your typing was fast, and the screen illuminate your face as your orbs solely focus on the screen in front of you,

"Working again?" You jolted when you heard your husband's voice. Your fingers stopped typing immediately, "At this time? Really?"

Tendou Satori wasn't someone who could be angry so easily, but right now he was too frustrated to even notice the malice voice that came out from his lips.

He was always gentle towards you, caring for you and just pout when you didn't hear his warning. So when you heard how different his voice was, you couldn't help but shudder.

You let out a long sigh, straightening your leg that was folded on the chair before. His gaze piercing right through you, waiting for any kind of excuse that you blurt out usually.

"Y-Yeah," He raised one of his eyebrows and decided to approach you, "I am sorry, Satori. I-" You stopped when you could feel his hand crept on your shoulders.

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